Thank You Letters

Thank You Letters

Student thank you letters to donors MUST be uploaded by the student to Award Spring. They cannot be dropped off or sent to Financial aid or the Foundation.

Thank You Letter Guidelines

Your letter should be brief, but include information that helps your donor get to know you. Tell your donor about yourself and your future goals. Tell them how their gift is helping you achieve your goals.

Other guidelines include:

  • Your Thank You Letter is a formal and professional letter. Your formatting should reflect that. A sample format has been included below.
  • Address your donor by name. Avoid using ‘Dear Sir’ or ‘To Whom it May Concern’. If you are unsure of their name, please contact MCC Connect.
  • Use the name of the scholarship in your letter.
  • Check your grammar and spelling. Have someone review your letter before sending it. The Student Success Center team is available to help.
  • Show your appreciation and excitement for the award. Your personality should show in your letter.
  • Be sincere in your letter.
  • State your thanks clearly and be concise. Your letter should be a few paragraphs, but not longer than one page.

Ideas for the Content of Your Thank You Letter

Our donors are interested in knowing our students, their interests, and the impact that a scholarship has for them. They enjoy hearing about:

  • How this scholarship makes it easier for you to finish college by reducing your debt, decreasing your work hours, or allowing you to concentrate on school
  • Whether this is your first semester in college or you are a returning student
  • Your academic plans and your plans after graduation from MCC
  • Your academic and personal achievements
  • Any clubs you’ve joined or community service work you do

Thank You Letter Format

[Your Name]
[Your return address, optional]
[Your phone number, optional]
[Your email address, optional]


[Donor’s Name]
c/o MCC Financial Aid Office
1971 Jagerson Avenue
Kingman, AZ 86409

Dear [Donor Name],

**state the purpose of your letter in the first paragraph**

**share something about yourself – may be two paragraphs**

**end by thanking the donor again and re-stating your hopes for the future in the last paragraph**

With gratitude,

[Your Signature]
[Your Name]

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