Student Success Center

Student Success Center


At MCC, you have a dedicated team committed to your success. Your success coach and academic advisor are available in Student Services, while tutors and supplemental instructors can be found in the Student Success Center. Whether you need support with academics, career guidance, or personal challenges, our team is here to assist you every step of the way.

All services are FREE to MCC students

  • Student Success Coaching is a personalized and one-on-one process that aims to assist students in identifying and addressing academic concerns and barriers to success. During coaching sessions, the coach will work closely with the student to assess their individual needs and strengths, and then develop a customized plan of action specifically designed to help them improve in areas such as time management, procrastination, exam preparation, note-taking, and reading strategies. Success coaching is available for the entire semester and the goal is to help students achieve their academic goals and succeed in their studies.
  • Check the online scheduler below for up-to-date availability on walk-in tutoring, joining a live virtual tutoring session, or scheduling an appointment through the Student Support Connections.
  • Student Success Centers have tutors for English, Math, CIS, as well as program specific topics. 
  • Our faculty hold hours in the center for students to come in and get help with assignments and concepts. 

We provide computers, laptops, and graphing calculators for use in the centers.


The Student Success Center provides opportunities for students to develop skills that promote academic success, and become self-directed learners through the delivery of centralized, high-quality academic support services that are responsive to the needs of the campus community.


Enhance students’ capabilities and reduce barriers to students’ academic and personal development.

  • A student is supported through a holistic centered approach to empower academic achievement and individual growth, while celebrating their diverse backgrounds and life experiences.
  • Build student persistence and successful completion with unique student services to produce confident, knowledgeable leaders.
  • Meeting students where they are as learners, the Center promotes success by supporting the development of academic skills and strategies, personal responsibility, and an understanding of both college culture and effective decision making.

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