Strategic Plan 2020-2026
Key Performance Indicators
At its core Mohave Community College exists to help improve lives and communities, and we work hard every day to fulfill the College Strategic Plan Objectives which will ensure we accomplish our mission and vision. We measure our progress through Key Performance Indicators, and we invite you to follow the KPI progress here.
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Enhancing Employee Capacity Through Learning
During the strategic plan creation process in 2019 and 2020, the idea of maintaining the college’s relevance emerged and persisted. Broad feedback suggested that keeping the college relevant during times of rapid change also required employees to stay sharp and up to date themselves. Consequently, the strategic plan features two distinct strategic objectives addressing employee development under two different strategies.
Strategy 2 focuses on strengthening partnerships and providing flexible academic programs and interactive learning experiences to learners. To support achievement of the broad strategy, Objective 2.5 reads, “Promote a culture of faculty development supporting student achievement and program learning outcomes.” Strategy 4 focuses on the foundations of institutional effectiveness. Objective 4.1 helps achieve the goal: “Enhance employee capacity by supporting the achievement of annual professional development goals.”
Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL) staff, Employee Learning and Development Manager Bethany Siehr, and instructional leaders recently achieved a milestone in their combined work to realize the objective, announcing a comprehensive annual plan of professional development for faculty. According to Executive Director Danette Bristle, the project was dubbed the “Building Together” Plan. “The project title reinforces an important MCC value and our intended collaborative approach to professional development.”
Instructional Developer Abigail Jaimes-Gomez elaborated on the idea. “In the CTL Building Together plan, my primary focus was to develop information and work sessions for faculty members who are interested in joining a professional learning community. The consistency and frequency of sessions included in the plan is intentional—we hope that this approach will allow us to create a space where we all can develop and nurture meaningful relationships with many of our colleagues.” Hear some of Abigail’s thoughts in the brief video recorded in the new CTL One-Button Studio on the Bullhead City Campus and included on the strategic planning webpage at
The Building Together annual plan offers a varied schedule of single-session workshops as well as four separate tracks in the Learning Plan series: Effective Course Design; Learning Theories; Instructional Accommodations; Universal Design. Digital badges will be awarded to individuals who complete a series.
Student Accommodation Specialist Michelle Martin remarked on the choices available to faculty in the plan. “This year, we have many opportunities for faculty to find their passion and pick where they want to focus their professional development hours. Many of the opportunities available are collaborations across departments and campuses. Each CTL team member has unique backgrounds, strengths, and interests that you will see translated into the large variety of PD opportunities available.”
Another example of strategic convergence, Objective 2.5 activities overlap significantly with those of Objective 4.1: “Enhance employee capacity by supporting the achievement of annual professional development goals.” In addition to addressing strategic objective 2.5 and 4.1, the published faculty PD plans also help MCC personnel realize at least two elements of the MCC Student Experience Statement:
- “Seamless services that provide timely assistance for students’ academic and non-academic needs;”
- “Innovative use of technology and teaching practices leveraged to deliver dynamic and engaging learning experiences.”
See the CTL webpage for detailed information: Bristle pointed out the importance of establishing a comprehensive plan of professional development while also acknowledging it as a work in progress. “We are actively soliciting feedback after every workshop and intentionally incorporating that feedback into our practices and plans. By working together, the learning experiences delivered in the future may look quite different from those of today.” Jaimes-Gomez agreed. “The CTL Building Together plan is a working and living document. Currently, it highlights the work that we have planned, but I hope that we can continue collaborating with our instructional community to develop additional sessions.”

Year Two: Strategic Convergence
Strategy 2 of the 2020 – 2026 MCC Strategic Plan focuses on the college’s role in assuring a strong regional talent pipeline. Objective 2.3 specifically addresses the “alignment of program growth and development with regional workforce and educational attainment needs.” Accordingly, MCC academic leaders are finalizing a 2022 – 2025 Academic Master Plan that will provide the structure necessary to keep MCC programs aligned to regional workforce needs.
Executive Vice President Culver explained the context of the project.
“It’s about the convergence of several strategic efforts. For enrollment to grow—the goal of Strategy 1—we must have an academic master plan that attracts students through relevant credit and noncredit programs, a Strategy 2 goal.”
But interdependencies extend even further, according to Culver. “The academic master plan must integrate with the Strategy 4 Facilities Master Plan, so we’re witnessing the convergence of strategies 1, 2, and 4. Together, the efforts of all three strategy groups produce the enrollment growth identified as a goal for Strategy 1. Finally, the retention plan built by members of the Strategy 3 team will help MCC sustain enrollment growth.”
To sum it up, the convergence between the work of the Strategy 2 and Strategy 4 teams supports and enables the desired outcomes of the Strategy 1 group. Employees performing the work under Strategy 3 will then maintain the collective effort. It can be challenging to maintain a big picture perspective, but you may expect to see more examples of interconnectedness as MCC strategic action plans converge to achieve our shared goals.

Academic Master Plan
Strategy 2 of the 2020 – 2026 MCC Strategic Plan focuses on the college’s role in assuring a strong regional talent pipeline. Objective 2.3 specifically addresses the “alignment of program growth and development with regional workforce and educational attainment needs.” Accordingly, MCC academic leaders are finalizing a 2022 – 2025 Academic Master Plan (AMP) that will provide the structure necessary to keep MCC programs–both credit and non-credit, including corporate and community education–aligned to regional workforce needs.
According to MCC Dean of Instruction, Career and Technical Education Jason Gee, the plan integrates theory and reality: “The AMP is a living document that combines the college vision of the future with a combination of data snapshots that help us to move in the most beneficial directions for our college community.”
Service to students and communities was a dominant theme that recurred in MCC strategic planning processes in 2019 – 2020, making its way explicitly into the revamped mission statement. Gee explained how the underlying communication process of the Academic Master Plan honors the concept of service. “As we connect with our community partners, we develop a better understanding of community needs. And then, as we develop and mold our plan, we can go back to our community partners to receive assurance that we are doing what is truly needed. Of course, this process is recursive, which allows us to make small corrections as we progress so that we hit as close to the mark as possible.”
The MCC Academic Master Plan keeps long-term goals front-of-mind for college leaders and helps them see where a gap or imbalance of support for our communities may exist. Because it reveals potential new programs on the MCC radar, employers, community members, and students may turn to the AMP for better understanding of college leaders’ thinking in terms of programs and courses. When academic deans finalize the plan later this fall, they will share a link to the document on the MCC strategic planning webpage: If community members or students wish to share feedback like ideas for other potential new programs, instructional leaders may be contacted by email to the deans listed below or through the email address.
The master plan is not just a plan sitting on a shelf. According to Gee, “The AMP is what helps me persist through all of the challenges that come with innovation and program development. Knowing the answer to the ‘Where are we trying to go?’ question and knowing that I have played a part in developing that answer, makes me love my work that much more.”
Academic Deans, Mohave Community College
Dean of General Education & Transfer
Dr. Lucinda Leugers –
Dean of Health Professions, Human Services & Public Safety
Dr. June Weiss –
Dean of Instruction, Career and Technical Education
Mr. Jason Gee –
Dean of Workforce & Partnership Development
Dr. Kirk Lacy –
Workgroup Update: Guided Pathways (Areas of Interest)
Areas of Interest: Putting MCC Students First, Part 1
MCC is addressing a key component of the 2020-2026 Strategic Plan by embarking on a long-term and large-scale initiative currently labelled the “Areas of Interest” project. Areas of Interest, based on the nationwide Guided Pathways model, puts student success and completion rates as the focal point of college effort. Dr. Stephanie Dieringer, former co-chair of the Guided Pathways Steering Committee tasked with coordinating the project, explained: “Guided Pathways can help students successfully complete an educational program sooner by organizing key college services and student experiences within an academic or career community, or at MCC an “area of interest.”
When asked to broadly define the guided pathways model informing the MCC Areas of Interest project plan, former co-chair Rosemarie LeFebvre answered: “Guided pathways are a framework intended to streamline a student’s journey through the college, providing structured choice, holistic student supports (support for all student needs, not just academic needs), and clear learning outcomes – ultimately helping more students achieve their college completion goals.”
The MCC strategic plan emphasizes focused attention on students and providing them a high-quality experience that addresses their holistic needs. MCC Executive Vice President Tim Culver described the importance of the topic. “It’s about the student experience. Almost a year ago I began to consider joining the MCC team. I was shown the MCC Strategic Plan, it’s four goals and 22 objectives. However, the one part I was most happy to see was the Student Experience Statement.”
Crafted by and for students, the MCC Student Experience Statement includes the following statement Culver identified as crucial: “Mohave Community college aims to provide an inspiring education exemplified by clear pathways as a stepping stone to completion, transfer, or post college success.” Said Culver, “That statement gets to the heart of the Guided Pathways framework. Each Pillar of the framework is directly related to improving the student experience. If we can establish the framework, under the leadership of the Guided Pathways Committee, and continue to focus on the student experience we will certainly be able to articulate the transformation that happened and will continue to happen into the future.”
Areas of Interest: Putting MCC Students First, Part 2
The MCC strategic initiative labelled “Areas of Interest” impacts everyone in the college community in a holistic effort to increase student success and improve the opportunities for students to complete their intended programs of study. Complete implementation of the Guided Pathways framework involves rethinking and often fundamentally redesigning most student processes—a transformation requiring time and sustained effort.
Will Areas of Interest begin to impact students during the current academic year, Year One of the strategic plan? Yes, say the co-chairs of the Guided Pathways Steering Committee, a group designed to coordinate the complex work. Former Associate Dean of Instruction Dr. Stephanie Dieringer shared her expectations. “In this first year of the strategic plan MCC’s students’ experience of guided pathways begins with the implementation of areas of interest. MCC’s organization of programs and certificates, along with the addition of academic advising, into areas of interest will enable students to begin their explorations of educational interests and career aspirations resulting in experiences that can be measured in timely progress towards their goals.”
Associate Dean of Student Success & Retention Rosemarie LeFebvre broke down the 2021-2022 action plan. “Through the enhanced recruitment process, newly enrolled students will be contacted by advisors based upon the student’s area of interest. Then, teams of MCC personnel, including student success coaches, will provide specialized support by area of interest via a system we call case management. Finally, new student orientations will provide students with information on campus life, academic pathways, financial aid, student organizations/clubs, tutoring, and other support services along with workshops on time management, studying effectively, stress and anxiety reduction, setting academic goals, and other topics.”
The MCC folks working on Areas of Interest are enthusiastic about the project goals. Dieringer summed up her feelings. “What excites me the most is the focus on students and working with them to succeed in all aspects of their education. With Guided Pathways MCC students are enveloped in an educational experience that is purposefully directed towards the fulfillment of their professional and personal goals. That is an exciting experience to be able to share.”
Strategic Planning Process

Thank you to the amazing Mohave County regional citizenry! Your willingness to share your knowledge and opinions made a difference! Hundreds of Mohave County citizens provided information and feedback during the past nine months to formulate a plan that will shape the future of Mohave Community College. Service to students and to communities is a dominant theme reflected in the plan, approved at the Board of Governors meeting on June 11, 2020. Because of the high level of community, student and employee involvement throughout Mohave Community College strategic planning activities, the MCC Strategic Planning Team confidently offered a final draft plan to the college governing board for a first reading on May 15 and for final approval on June 11, 2020. Each element of the plan—Vision, Mission, Values, Student Experience Statement, Strategies, and Objectives—were subjected to a lengthy drafting process.
Student Experience Statement
Action Planning
The MCC Strategic Planning Team, comprised of community members, students, and MCC employees, made final adjustments to the plan for final board approval, received at the Board of Governors meeting on June 11, 2020. Board approval of the plan is just the beginning, though! The team has already layed the groundwork to bring the plan to life.
Several college managers joined the Strategic Planning Team on May 18 and June 3 for two action-planning workshops facilitated by CampusWorks consultants. The goal of the action planning workshops was to create detailed work plans for the 2020 – 2021 academic year, dubbed “Year Zero.”
During Year Zero, the College will take the first steps to carry out the charges of the 2020-2026 Strategic Plan. College personnel must develop necessary infrastructure: design and implement new processes, and establish data collection instruments and reporting procedures. In addition, college organizational and communication structures will be adapted to accomplish strategic plan goals.
Perhaps the most critical Year Zero activity, the college will implement budget development processes that will fully align the next annual budget with strategic plan goals and objectives. An aligned budget ensures that resources are prioritized and available for those items determined through the planning process to be most important.
Overview of the 2019-2020 Strategic Planning Process
To bring new readers up to speed with the MCC strategic planning process, here is a brief review of activities to date:
- Staff and faculty kicked off strategic planning by providing future-oriented feedback at All-Staff Day in September, 2019.
- Data collection continued through October SWOT surveys, the Student Experience Workshops in November, Fall Governing Board workshops, and the Future Summit in January.
- Thanks to the tremendous involvement of employees, community members and students, the data gathering activities led to the development of the aspirational Student Experience Statement and the formation of four key strategies focused on the following themes:
1. Enrollment for All
2. Academic Programs & Workforce Development Partnerships
3. Holistic Approach to Student Success
4. Foundations of Organizational Success with Technology, Facilities, Personnel Resources
- Following workshops at each campus, employees produced institutional values statements that describe how the employees will engage with the mission.
- Several iterations of mission and vision statements were drafted through a continuous process of collaborative review. The Strategic Planning Team delivered multiple surveys soliciting feedback on draft mission, vision, values and strategy statements, using the feedback to refine language reflecting the consensus opinions of the regional community.
- Two Community Gallery Sessions in mid-April provided additional public opportunities for community members to provide feedback on draft mission, vision and strategy statements.
- During April and May, college leaders and the Strategic Planning Team refined objectives for each strategy that provide metrics to provide accountability and a means to measure progress toward each strategy.
- A draft plan was presented to the governing board for a first official reading on May 15.
- Action Planning workshops on May 18 and June 3 helped coordinate efforts of the Strategic Planning Team and college managers to begin drafting annual work plans. The operational plans will guide strategic plan work to be accomplished during the coming academic year, 2020 – 2021.
- The new strategic plan was formally approved and adopted by the Board of Governors on June 11, 2020.
The high level of collaboration and community engagement throughout the process resulted in a plan that reflects the diversity of Mohave County. Inclusive strategic planning processes help ensure the continuing relevance of the college to our communities and students. Go, Bighorns!
Mohave Community College (MCC) is a college that has served Mohave County, our communities, and our students extremely well over the past 48 years. With over 61,000 graduates, MCC has been a critical economic and workforce engine for this region of Arizona. In order for MCC to continue this success…
Read the full message.
2019-2020 Strategic Planning Events
Sept 6 – Committee Members announced & Employee Brainstorm Sessions
All employees worked in facilitated groups, using group decision making processes like brainstorming, Nominal Group Technique, and SOAR Analysis (Strengths, Opportunities, Analysis, Results). Participants explored four categories of future-oriented topics, listed below. Employee feedback was recorded.
Topic 1: Educational Attainment & Student Success
Topic 2: Community Outreach, Involvement, and Partnerships
Topic 3: Sustainable Future
Topic 4: Mission Review/Confirmation
Oct 4 – Committee’s First Meeting
Two MCC groups key to MCC strategic planning processes engaged in strategic planning kickoff activities, the President’s Cabinet and the Strategic Planning Committee. CampusWorks consultants facilitated the workshops. The collaborative and student-centered approach was outlined in detail, the desired end results were described, and roles were defined in this meeting. The Committee further refined the tabulated results of All Staff Day feedback.
Oct 14 – College and Community Surveys to be released
These surveys helped the college identify strengths, weaknesses and opportunities used to develop the Strategic Plan 2026. These surveys will obtain broad feedback from students, employees and residents in the college district. The surveys will close on Oct. 25, 2019. Community Survey Student Survey Employee Survey
Nov. 7 – Student Experience Workshop
Students, employees and community stakeholders participated in workshop activities. Strategic Planning process will be reviewed, and participants will benefit from a Trends in Higher Education Workshop. The key activity will be exploration of the ideal MCC student experience. Results of the Student Experience Workshop will drive subsequent Strategic Planning activities. Watch the Recorded Zoom video session of this Workshop.
Nov. 8 & Jan. 10– Mission/Vision Board Workshops
Trustees of the MCC Governing Board joined President Klippenstein to review the strategic planning processes and the college Mission and Vision. Feedback from All Staff Day workshops will be presented as part of the initial Board workshop. Consultants will lead discussions to review and refresh the MCC mission. The mission and vision will go through an iterative process with the Board of Trustees, leadership, and constituents.
Jan. 13 – Future Summit
Community members, students, and employees gathered to engage in learning and exploration of four central themes that emerged from previous meetings. Guest experts will make short presentations. The Future Summit is a pinnacle event that kicks off active planning of strategies for inclusion in the strategic plan. The Summit is an exciting event that inspires people and foster positive culture, engagement, and inclusivity. It will be at the Anderson Autogroup Fieldhouse in Bullhead City, AZ. The Summit is especially critical to the ongoing MCC strategic planning effort. Click here to RSVP to this invitation for the MCC Future Summit.
Jan. 21 – Feb. 24 – Strategic Planning Committee Scan to Plan Research
Trustees of the MCC Governing Board joined President Klippenstein to review the strategic planning processes and the college Mission and Vision. Feedback from All Staff Day workshops will be presented as part of the initial Board workshop. Consultants will lead discussions to review and refresh the MCC mission. The mission and vision will go through an iterative process with the Board of Trustees, leadership, and constituents.
Week of Feb. 24 – Strategic Planning Committee Scan to Plan Presentations/Workshop/Strategy Drafting
Trustees of the MCC Governing Board joined President Klippenstein to review the strategic planning processes and the college Mission and Vision. Feedback from All Staff Day workshops will be presented as part of the initial Board workshop. Consultants will lead discussions to review and refresh the MCC mission. The mission and vision will go through an iterative process with the Board of Trustees, leadership, and constituents.
February/March – Values Workshop
Facilitators will work with employees to identify institutional values that will help drive the execution of the strategies detailed in the strategic plan.
Week of March 16 – Objectives Workshop/Community Focus Groups
Community and Employee Feedback will be solicited.
Week of April 6 – Action Planning Workshop
Week of May 4 – Complete Action Planning
May/June – Finalized Strategic Plan