Testing Services

Testing Services

Testing Services at Mohave Community College

As part of the Center for Teaching & Learning, Testing Services understands that every individual has unique learning needs and aspirations. We are committed to supporting life-long learning in our communities by offering testing services to all different stages of life, education, and career paths.

Spring Testing Center Hours Effective January 6th, 2025 – May 16th, 2025

Testing centers will open on the limited hours outlined below. Hours of Operation are subject to change.

Bullhead City Campus Testing Center  Bullhead City Campus Testing Center CLOSED DATES
Monday – CLOSED March 6-7, 2025
Tuesday – CLOSED March 10-14, 2025
Wednesday – 8:00 am to 1:00 pm
Thursday – 8:00 am to 12:00 pm & 12:30 to 3:00 pm
Friday – 8:00 am to 12:00 pm & 12:30 to 3:00 pm
Lake Havasu City Campus Testing Center  Lake Havasu City Campus Testing Center CLOSED DATES
Monday – 9:00 am to 1:30 pm February 17, 2025
Tuesday – 9:00 am to 1:30 pm March 10-14, 2025
Wednesday – CLOSED
Thursday – CLOSED
Friday – CLOSED
Neal Campus Kingman Testing Center  Neal Campus Kingman Testing Center CLOSED DATES
Monday – 9:00 am to 1:00 pm & 2:00 pm to 4:30 pm February 17, 2025
Tuesday – 9:00 am to 1:00 pm & 2:00 pm to 4:30 pm  February 27, 2025 (Special Event Testing)
Wednesday – 9:00 am to 1:00 pm March 10-14, 2025
Thursday – 9:00 am to 1:00 pm & 2:00 pm to 4:30 pm 
Friday – 9:00 am to 1:00 pm & 2:00 pm to 4:30 pm
Colorado City Campus Testing Center  Colorado City Campus Testing Center CLOSED DATES
Monday – CLOSED March 10-14, 2025
Tuesday – 9:00 am to 1:00 pm
Wednesday – 9:00 am to 1:00 pm
Thursday – CLOSED
Friday – CLOSED

General Information regarding the use of MCC Testing Centers

  • Walk-ins are welcome as space and time permit, or contact our Testing Services Office Technician via phone or email to schedule an appointment.
    (Pearson Vue, GED, ASE, and NCCT must still be scheduled online with test providers).
  • The center reserves the right to turn away students who arrive with less than sufficient time to complete their testing session before closure.  
  • Test-takers are responsible for paying for the testing session before being admitted to the testing session.
  • All payments are made online and require a debit/credit card. No cash payments are accepted in the testing centers. 
  • All test-takers must provide a valid photo ID aligned with specific test policies. Cell phone images of IDs are not valid. Most tests require a government-issued ID with a photo, signature, and physical address.
  • Please be respectful of others using the space and limit the use of perfumes, body spray, or cologne. 
  • Limited secure storage is available. We encourage you to arrive with only what is necessary to be admitted into the testing session.

Make a Test Payment

Information on Specific Tests & FAQs:

TEAS testing

ATI -TEAS (Test of Essential Academic Skills)

  • To sit for the TEAS exam, you must have already created a free student account with atitesting.com.
  • The current cost for this exam is $100.00 per test paid to MCC using the MCC payment process. 
  • Payments must be paid in full before being seated for the test.
  • The exam is approximately 3.5 hours. WE CAN NOT OFFER IT AT ALL OPEN TIMES. Please check the hours of operation carefully and make sure we are open for at least 4 hours if you would like to take this exam. 
  • The exam allows only one 10-minute restroom break between the math and science sections.
  • A valid photo ID aligned with testing guidelines is required to be admitted to this test.
  • Only scratch paper and pencils provided by the testing center are allowed in the exam. If a calculator is permitted it will be a pop-up option built into the exam.
  • Some MCC programs require a 30-day gap between TEAS exam attempts
    • It is your responsibility to inquire and adhere to program-specific requirements for acceptance of TEAS scores.

      MCC Students with Approved Testing Accommodations

      A student requesting to use the testing center for testing accommodations must be registered with and approved for testing accommodations by MCC Accommodation Services. A current Letter of Accommodation must be on file for the student.

      • Testing accommodations are provided to allow students with disabilities an equal opportunity to demonstrate their academic abilities.
      • The student must meet with their instructors to discuss testing accommodations. 
        • Full-time instructors will facilitate their testing sessions for students with testing accommodations.
        • Part-time instructors may refer students to use the testing centers.
        • Exceptions will be made on a case-by-case basis and the need and staffing availability of Testing Centers.
      • Any student needing to use the testing center must schedule a testing appointment a minimum of four days before the exam date.
        • To ensure a seat and/or specific accommodations, it is recommended to set appointments at least seven days in advance.
        • Schedule midterms and final exams at least two weeks prior.
        • It is strongly encouraged to schedule all exams published in a syllabus at the beginning of the semester.
      • Testing appointments must be scheduled during days and times when the Testing Center is scheduled to be open. 
      • If the student is unable to take the exam at the scheduled time, the student must contact the course instructor to discuss rescheduling. MCC Testing Center staff will not reschedule an exam for students who fail to show up for scheduled appointments without the approval of the course instructor.

      Students who wish to schedule appointments should contact Accommodation Services directly by phone at 928.758.1405 or by emailing Michelle Martin at MMartin3@mohave.edu.

      Accuplacer Placement Testing

      Accuplacer Placement Testing

      • There is no charge for the first two attempts of this test.
      • There is a $10.00 charge after two free attempts.
      • There is no time limit for this exam.
        • We recommend testers plan on a minimum of two hours for this test session.
      • The test consists of three sections. Reading Comprehension, Writing, and Mathematics.
      • Accuplacer is a placement test, there is no pass or fail score.
      • Only scratch paper and pencils provided by the testing center are allowed in the exam.
      • A valid photo ID is required for this exam. 
      • Additional Accuplacer Testing Sessions are provided for current middle and high school students seeking placement into MCC courses. These testing dates are provided by our K12 recruitment teams and inquiries regarding these dates and requirements for enrollment should be directed to your local campus Early College Coordinator

      How do I pay for a testing session?

      • Test takers can pay online directly by completing the BUR-Non A/R payment form.
      • On the form, there is a link to the MCC Payments.
        • Click on the MCC Payment link and the payment portal will open in a new window.
        • Complete your payment and note down your confirmation number.
        • Return to the first window BUR-Non A/R payment form, complete your information, and select the submit button on the bottom taskbar.
        • The form and payment process are not complete until the submit button has been entered and the form is processed by the Bursar office.

      What are the rules for the testing center?

      Testing Center Rules

      1. The following items are not permitted in the Testing Center: Food, beverages, chewing gum, personal items including; cell phones, other electronics, weapons, jackets, hats, scarves, purses, backpacks, wallets, watches, bulky jewelry, keys, tissues, other items in pockets, etc. Calculators, notes, books, and paper unless authorized by the test client.

      2. Talking with other testers during the testing process is not permitted.

      3. Cheating or misconduct may invalidate your scores and could result in other disciplinary actions.

      4. Scratch paper may not be removed from the testing center.

      5. Disruptive behavior will not be allowed. This includes making physical or verbal threats, making loud and distracting noises, or acting in a manner that disrupts the operations of the testing center or test environment.

      6. Any tester who is asked to leave due to violating the testing center’s rules will forfeit any testing payments paid and will not be entitled to a refund for services.

      7. Some MCC programs mandate a 30-day gap between TEAS exam attempts. You are responsible for tracking your test timelines to meet program requirements.

      How do I arrange a proctor for testing for another school or organization?

      Be aware that MCC cannot expedite or modify your school’s procedures, you are responsible for initiating and managing this process.

      • Contact Your Current School to inquire about their specific process for requesting off-site proctoring.
        • If your school requests a proctor’s name, please provide the name, email, and contact number of the Testing Service Office Technician for the campus location you plan to use. These contacts are listed on the right-hand side of this page in the Contact Us section. 
      • Obtain all necessary forms and instructions from your school and complete all required paperwork – Ensure your school sends required information to MCC Testing Centers at testing@mohave.edu
        • The fee for proctoring an exam for other schools is $45.00 per exam.
      • After completing the process with your school, you may email the Testing Service Office Technician directly to verify MCC has received your exam information. 
      • Testing Payment is due before the student will be seated for the exam.

      What to Bring

      • Valid Physical Photo ID
      • Items allowed by your school for the exam
      • Any device needed for two-step verification to access your school’s testing system

      Important Reminders

      • MCC cannot begin proctoring until all required information is received from your school
      • You are responsible for knowing your school’s deadlines and requirements
      • MCC Testing Center staff cannot make exceptions to your school’s policies

      Remember: Successful arrangement of off-site proctoring depends on your timely and accurate completion of all required steps. Start the process well in advance of your desired test date.

      ASE – Prometric Testing

      ASE Certification Tests

      • ASE testing is currently on hold. Please contact Michelle Martin at 928-758-1405 to discuss any ASE questions.
      • Available only at Bullhead City Campus
      • ASE number or confirmation number and a valid photo ID are required for this exam.
      • Pre-registration and payment are required directly to Prometric.
      • We highly recommend test candidates schedule one test per test schedule appointment.
        • Please note: If all tests are scheduled together and there are any issues from Prometric you will need to wait or reschedule all your tests. If you schedule them one at a time, if anything goes wrong we can move you onto another test while we troubleshoot the issue.

      College-Level Exam Proficiency – CLEP Testing


      • Pre-registration and payment are required directly to CLEP.
      • An additional sitting fee of $30.00 paid to MCC is required per testing session.
      • Payment for the sitting fee is due before the test candidate is admitted to the test.
      • A CLEP confirmation number and a valid photo ID are required for this exam.
      • CLEP scores should be sent to your college Registrar’s Office to have scores evaluated for college credit towards your degree. You are responsible for sending scores and requesting evaluations. 
      • CLEP is currently only available in Bullhead City and Kingman. 

      ESCO – EPA 608 Testing

      • ESCO EPA 608 exams require the tester to make a $25.00 payment directly to ESCO at the time of the test. This purchase does currently provide retest attempts. Test candidates should consult ESCO directly for specifics regarding EPA 608 test purchases.
      • As of July 1, 2024 there is an additional sitting fee of $15.00 paid to MCC required per testing session.
      • Payment for the sitting fee is due before the test candidate is admitted to the test.
      • There is a two-hour time limit for this exam.
      • The test consists of four sections. Each section is scored independently.
      • Test candidates will receive a certification card that is physically mailed from ESCO after each test attempt.
      • It is the test candidate’s responsibility to know what sections they need to complete on any retest attempt.
      • The testing center will provide any permitted materials including a pressure chart.
      • A valid photo ID is required for this exam.
      • Test candidates are required to provide ESCO with their biographical information including date of birth, social security, and contact information.

      National Center for Competency Testing – NCCT

      National Center for Competency Testing -NCCT

      • Pre-registration and payment are required directly to NCCT.
      • As of July 1, 2024, there is an additional sitting fee of $15.00 paid to MCC required per testing session.
      • Payment for the sitting fee is due before the test candidate is admitted to the test.
      • A NCCT confirmation appointment and a valid photo ID are required for this exam. 

      GED Testing

      GED Testing

      • Pre-registration and payment are required directly to GED.com
      • All testing scheduling is managed by Pearson VUE and MCC Testing Centers cannot independently register, cancel, or reschedule appointments nor process any payments or refunds.
      • The GED for the State of Arizona consists of five different tests; Mathematics, Social Studies, Science, Reasoning Through Language Arts, and Arizona Civics. 
      • Tests can be scheduled individually or in groups; if you are attempting to schedule multiple exams together and do not see any appointments available try scheduling exams individually. 
      • Currently, only the Arizona Civics is required to be taken in person. If you wish to learn about how to test at home for the other tests, please inquiry online with GED.com
      • If you need transcripts or diplomas from GED please contact the state office at 602.258.2410 ext. 2
      • Individuals 16 or 17 years old must be approved to take the GED.
        • MCC can provide this approval.
        • Anyone seeking approval should complete the GED Under 18 form and submit all necessary documentation as outlined on the form.
        • GED Under 18 Form

      MCC Challenge Exams

      • MCC Challenge Exams are provided during the add/drop period of a course.
      • Students who are enrolled in the course may discuss with their instructor their desire to sit for the challenge exam.
      • If approved, the student will arrange with the instructor and testing center to sit for the exam and if successful on the challenge exam they are awarded the credit for the course.
      • Tuition and fees are still paid in full and the course shows as completed on the student’s transcript.
      • If unsuccessful, the student remains in the course and earns the credit by successfully completing the course. 

      Pearson VUE Testing

      Pearson Vue Testing Customer Service

      • Pearson VUE is the authorized testing provider for a battery of tests for both information technology and professional licensure and certification exams.
      • Pre-registration and payment are required directly to the test sponsor/Pearson VUE.
      • All testing scheduling is managed by Pearson VUE and MCC Testing Centers cannot independently register, cancel, or reschedule appointments nor process any payments or refunds.
      • We highly recommend test candidates who schedule with Pearson VUE double-check their email for a confirmation of a scheduled appointment and monitor their email for any communication regarding changes to testing requirements or appointment times.

          Sitting and Exam Fees

          • MCC fees for testing are approved annually by the Board of Governors.
          • Current fees are listed in the Academic Catalog.
            • Please note that most testing service providers do charge a fee for the actual test.
            • Most of these fees are paid directly to the testing provider (ASE, NCCT, CLEP, ESCO, etc.) and do not include any sitting fees that MCC charges. 

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