Communication Structure
Committee Structure-Overview-FY25 | FY25 Committee Proceedings
2024-2025 Advisory Council Descriptions
The Campus Advisory Councils provide an opportunity for representative members of each community to meet with MCC campus leadership and provide advice, general recommendations and information. In addition, campus leadership will provide campus and college updates to members of the advisory councils. CHAIR(S): Dean of Student and Community Engagement – BHC, LHC, NCK, NMC
To ensure open and honest communication between all employees and students affiliated with campus operations, and to ensure best practices are implemented and results can be documented, not only within the local campus environment, but between all campuses of the Mohave Community College. CHAIR(S): Dean of Student and Community Engagement – BHC, LHC, NCK, NMC
On behalf of the Faculty Association, to address academic issues within limits prescribed by Federal and State statutes and regulations, and policies and procedures approved by the President of the College and the Mohave Community College District Governing Board. CHAIR(S): Elected
On behalf of the Staff Association, to address employee issues within limits prescribed by Federal and State statutes and regulations, and policies and procedures approved by the President of the College and the Mohave Community College District Governing Board. CHAIR(S): Elected
2024-2025 Committee Descriptions
FY 24_Academic Standards Charge The committee is an inter-disciplinary instructional (curricular) group, in consultation with the non–instructional (co-curricular) group, charged with reviewing and recommending academic standards, policy, and procedures concerning academic affairs, as they affect the academic integrity of the College, to the President’s Cabinet. The committee conducts its work under the auspices of the college President and within college Policies and Procedures. Chair: Tim Culver, Executive Vice President
FY23_Curriculum Charge The committee is an inter-disciplinary instructional (curricular) group, in consultation with the non-instructional (co-curricular) group, charged with reviewing, evaluating, and making curricular recommendations to the President’s Cabinet. The Curriculum Committee conducts its work under the auspices of the college President and within college Policies and Procedures. Chair: Jason Gee, Dean of Career and Technical; Andrea Wange, Director of Curriculum and Assessment
FY23_Finance Audit Budget Charge: Ensuring that the College is operating in a financially sustainable manner by balancing short-term and long-term obligations and goals via monitoring and oversight of the College’s financial statements, audit and budget. Co-Chairs: Linda Green, Chief Financial Officer; Lucinda Leugers, Dean of General Education & Transfer
FY23_HLC-Steering Charge: Provide leadership and guidance to ensure the continued accreditation of the institution. Co-Chairs: Stacy Klippenstein, President; Danette Bristle, Accreditation Liaison Officer
FY23_Policy and Procedures Charge: To review and recommend proposals for new or revised administrative policies and procedures, to ensure said policies and procedures are properly vetted and approved, advise the MCC community on policies and procedures and generally to support the development and implementation process. Chair: Tim Culver, Executive Vice President
FY25_Presidents Cabinet Charge: The President’s Cabinet serves as the leadership team that provides the Chief Executive Officer recommendations and guidance on college issues. It provides the opportunity for proposals and activities related to the college’s strategic plan and student focused initiatives to be shared and vetted in a cross-functional manner. Also, it allows for the development of operating principles and directives to ensure that the appropriate planning, implementing, and evaluation of the college mission, institutional effectiveness, teaching, and learning are accomplished. Chair: Dr. Stacy Klippenstein, College President
FY25_Strategic Planning Alignment Committee Charge: Reviews recommendations and creates initiatives, providing a forum for proposals and activities related to accomplishing the college’s strategic plan to ensure institutional effectiveness, community outreach and partnerships, and student success. Co-Chairs: Tim Culver, Executive Vice President, Shawn Bristle, Chief Advancement Officer
FY24_Enrollment for All Charge: Create, and ensure implementation of, initiatives related to creating and sustaining enrollment opportunities for anyone interested in learning and personal growth. Co-chairs: Michelle Brehmeyer, Associate Dean of Enrollment Management; Ana Masterson, Dean of Enrollment and Student Success. Strategic Plan Strategy 1
FY24_Academic and Workforce Partnerships Charge: Purpose: Review the organization’s methodologies designed to develop a strong talent pipeline and ensure regional prosperity by strengthening external partnerships and providing flexible academic programs and interactive learning experiences. Co-chairs: Kirk Lacy, Dean for Workforce & Regional Partnerships; Lucinda Leugers, Dean of General Education and Transfer. Strategic Plan Strategy 2
FY24_Holistic-Student-Success and Guided Pathways Charge: Purpose: Review the organization’s methodologies designed to offer an engaging student experience that provides holistic support, ensuring students can achieve educational, career, and personal success. To provide structured choice via clear, educationally coherent program maps that include specific course sequences, progress milestones, clear program learning outcomes as well as additional co-curricular support to assist student’s completion goals. Co-chairs: Kay Lynn Trybus, Director, Success and Retention. Dr. Tonya Jackson, Associate Dean of Instruction, Natalie Gebicke, Director, Guided Pathways
FY24_Organizational Foundations Charge: Purpose: Review the organization’s methodologies designed to maximize institutional success by maintaining modern technologies and facilities and by enhancing faculty and staff capacity through growth and development opportunities to support a nimble, high-performing institution. Chair: Jennie Dixon, Vice President Administrative Services. Strategic Plan Strategy 4
FY23_Data Governance and Analytics Charge: Collecting data based on measurable goals or Key Performance Indicators, analyzing patterns and facts from these insights, and utilizing them to develop and assist with implementing strategies and actions that benefit the institution. Chair: Laurel Clifford, Faculty; Co-Chair: Shelly Castaneda, Executive Director of Institutional Research.
FY23_Institutional Effectiveness Network Charge: Through the use of transformational leadership and change management techniques, the purpose of the MCC Institutional Effectiveness Network is to establish a systematic and systemic approach for the College’s intent to measure overall effectiveness as it relates to programs, services, performance indicators, and student learning outcomes. Chair: Bethany Siehr, Director, Development and Effectiveness