Early Start Scholarship Program
Earn college credit through the Early Start Scholarship Program.
Early Start is a scholarship program for 8th grade and above students, home-schooled students, and GED graduates.
How it works:
The Early Start Scholarship can be used beginning your 8th grade year through the fall semester following your high school graduation, without a limit to the number of credits. If you earned a GED, you can use this scholarship for one calendar year starting with the semester after you complete your GED.
You can use this scholarship for any courses numbered 100 or higher.
This scholarship will pay for tuition and standard fees at the in-state tuition rate. You are responsible for costs for course fees and books. If you are not eligible for the in-state tuition rate, you will be responsible for the difference in tuition charges.
- Complete the MCC Admissions Process
- Meet placement requirements as outlined in the MCC Catalog
- Meet with an MCC Recruiter on your local campus to determine your eligibility and help you establish your education goals
- The MCC Recruiter will submit your approval to the Financial Aid Team to be paid
High school students
Contact an MCC Recruiter in your high school or Student Services staff on your local campus to get started!
Home-schooled students
Contact an MCC Recruiter or Student Services staff on your local campus to get started! You’ll need to submit a copy of the Affidavit of Intent on file with your County’s Superintendent of Schools Office. If you cannot provide the Affidavit of Intent and are 17 or older, you can submit a letter from your home school provider that verifies your grade level. If you are under 17 and cannot provide the Affidavit of Intent, you can provide a copy of your transcripts to verify your grade level.
GED graduates
Contact an MCC Recruiter or Student Services staff on your local campus to get started! You’ll need to submit either an unofficial GED transcript or your letter of recognition of completion.
Important Notes:
All students must complete the MCC Admissions Process. If you are under 18, you’ll also need to complete the MCC Request for Student Enrollment Under 18 Form.
If you are unsuccessful in a course that is paid for by the Early Start Scholarship, you can repeat that course using Early Start Scholarship funds. You are responsible for the difference in tuition if Arizona State Residency cannot be determined.