Academic Scholarships

Academic Scholarships

MCC is pleased to offer academic scholarships through funding approved by the Board of Governors. Academic Scholarships at MCC are awarded based on GPA. Most academic scholarships do not require a FAFSA. Funding is limited. Awards are made to students until funds are exhausted each year.

Scholarships for Recent High School Graduates

Scholarships are available to students who graduated from a Mohave County, or partnering, high school in the spring of 2022 or later. Scholarship eligibility is evaluated at the end of the Fall semester of the student’s senior year of high school and is based on unweighted GPA. Scholarship recipients must enroll at MCC during the academic year immediately following their high school graduation.

Each award is paid out over time up to a total scholarship amount, allowing students the most flexibility possible when using their scholarship. These scholarships require enrollment in a minimum of 6 credits per semester.

President’s High Honors Scholarship

  • Total Scholarship Amount: $4000
  • High School GPA Range: 3.8 and higher
  • Minimum College GPA for Renewal: 3.5
  • Semester Amount, 12 or more credits: $1000
  • Semester Amount, 6 – 11 credits: $500

Dean’s Honors Scholarship

  • Total Scholarship Amount: $3000
  • High School GPA Range: 3.4 – 3.7
  • Minimum College GPA for Renewal: 3.2
  • Semester Amount, 12 or more credits: $750
  • Semester Amount, 6 – 11 credits: $375

MCC Academic Scholarship

  • Total Scholarship Amount: $2000
  • High School GPA Range: 2.5 – 3.3
  • Minimum College GPA for Renewal: 2.3
  • Semester Amount, 12 or more credits: $500
  • Semester Amount, 6 – 11 credits: $250

All scholarships for recent high school graduates are paid during the fall and spring semesters. Renewal of the scholarship requires students to maintain a minimum cumulative GPA, complete 67% of all attempted credits, and to enroll in consecutive fall and spring semesters. Scholarship amounts will be paid until the full amount is exhausted, or the student is no longer eligible. Students who lose eligibility based on academic performance can regain eligibility by achieving the required academic standards for their scholarship if they have remained enrolled in consecutive fall and spring semesters.

These scholarships may be combined with Early Start funding, but not with other MCC scholarships that are based on academic performance. These scholarships can be combined with MCC Grant or MCC Foundation funding.

Limited opportunities to defer the use of the academic scholarship are available to students who will delay their enrollment at MCC for the purpose of taking part in full-time volunteer work. To request a deferment, provide a written explanation of the length of deferment needed and documentation showing acceptance to a volunteer program from the organization that the student will work with.

Resident Faculty Scholarships

Names of qualifying students are submitted to each Associate Dean for consideration and selection. Up to 25 scholarships are awarded each year. Students will need to submit a FAFSA to be eligible for the Resident Faculty Scholarship.

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