Commencement Updates

The information on this page is subject to change. Any changes will be reflected in this section.

Commencement Overview

Commencement is scheduled for Friday, May 16, 2025, at the Anderson Auto Group Fieldhouse, located at 3663 Bullhead Parkway, Bullhead City, Arizona (North of the Mohave Crossroads Shopping Center).

Please submit a RSVP to inform the College of whether you plan to attend the ceremony. After submitting the form stating that you plan to attend the ceremony, you will receive a confirmation email containing a QR Code. You must have this QR Code available (printed or on your phone) for scanning upon arrival at the Fieldhouse. The QR code may not populate correctly for Gmail users. We will be able to use alternative means to check in students with this issue.

The Commencement ceremony is scheduled to start at 3pm. Check-in for the ceremony begins at 2pm. Tickets will not be required for guests to attend the ceremony.

Free Wi-Fi is available at the Anderson Auto Group Fieldhouse. At the venue, connect to the Wi-Fi network named CRSK12 Start Here and then follow the prompts for Guest. You will be asked to provide your cell number or email to receive a secure password to access the free service.

Is there a digital and downloadable Commencement Program?

Yes, there will be a digital Commencement Program. The link to the program will be posted to this webpage at a later time.

How Does a Student Register to Participate?

Students may participate in the ceremony if they have:

The application deadline for Spring graduates and is April 11, 2025 (same date for Summer graduates if intending to participate in Commencement). If the graduation application is submitted after this date, there will be no guarantee that the student’s name will appear in the online Commencement Program.

How Does a Student Apply for Graduation?

All students who anticipate successful completion of their program course requirements for a degree or certificate must complete a graduation application. Graduation applications can be accessed through Colleague Self-Service.

Graduation applications must be submitted to the Office of the Registrar by the following dates:

  • All spring graduates must submit their graduation applications by April 11, 2025.
  • All summer graduates must submit their graduation applications by July 22, 2025.

If the graduation application is submitted after April 11, 2025, there will be no guarantee that the student’s name will appear in the Commencement Program.

Please note:

  • Once grades are received, the Registrar’s Office will evaluate the graduation application by reviewing a student’s MCC transcript, applicable transfer credits, and cumulative grade point average.
    If the student meets all degree and/or certificate requirements, the Registrar’s Office will approve the submitted application(s) and post the degree and/or certificate credential on the student’s transcript.
  • Students should allow a minimum of 10 weeks after the end of the graduation term for applications to be processed and diplomas mailed.
  • Any students seeking a degree verification may print an unofficial copy of their transcript or request an official copy of the transcript showing the degree awarded and date granted. Prior to the end of the term, official transcripts may be ordered for delivery after grades are posted or after the program is conferred.
  • For additional information on graduation requirements, please visit the Graduation section of the College catalog.

Where Do Graduates Acquire Their Caps and Gowns?

Mohave Community College has been able to work with the vendor below to help provide students with low cost options for the purchase of their caps, gowns, and tassels.

Students who wish to purchase their caps, gowns, and tassels should submit their order by April 25, 2025 to avoid potential charges for expedited shipping.

An anonymous donor has provided a limited number of caps and gowns free of charge for those who are unable to purchase them. If you would like to reserve a donated cap, gown, and/or tassel, complete the Cap, Tassel, & Gown Request Form.

Loaner caps and gowns are in limited supply. There is no guarantee that supplies will be available for those that submit the Cap, Tassel, & Gown Request Form after April 25, 2025.

NOTE: Mohave Community College recognizes the importance of accessories such as cords, medallions, and stoles in symbolizing both academic achievement, cultural identities, military/veteran students, and other student cohorts and permits students to be adorned with these additions. Graduates will be asked prior to check-in to remove any adornments that are offensive or otherwise do not comply with the MCC Student Code of Conduct or other College policy.

ADA Accommodations

Mohave Community College is committed to assisting any individual requiring accommodations. If a participating graduate or a guest requires assistance, such as parking, accessibility seating, or other services, please complete the Commencement Accommodation Request Form. Requests for accommodations should be made as early as possible, preferably by April 25, 2025, to allow time to arrange the accommodation. Mohave Community College staff will be available before, during, and after the event if additional assistance is required.

Will the Event Be Live Streamed and Recorded?

Commencement will be live streamed on YouTube and Facebook. The Commencement recording will be available on our YouTube Channel.

Commencement Photography

Individual graduate photos will be taken on the stage by GradImages, our official Commencement photographer. Proofs will be ready to view online as soon as 72 hours after the ceremony. GradImages will send emails and mailed paper proofs along with optional text message notifications to notify you when your images are available. Your information is never shared and privacy is guaranteed.

You can pre-register to make sure that your contact information is up-to-date with GradImages to ensure that they can provide your complimentary proofs as quickly as possible. Although there is never any obligation to order, you’ll save 20% off orders of $50 or more for your participation. To pre-register for your Commencement proofs, please visit

Safety Information

Security will be present in order to provide a safe and secure environment for staff and visitors. In addition, Mohave Community College has notified local emergency responses providers (e.g., law enforcement, emergency medical services, and fire department) in order to support the event.

In order to support a safe environment for Commencement the following is required:

  • Upon entry, security will conduct a bag check. It is recommended that you only carry what you absolutely need (e.g., small bag, wallet, phone). Per the Anderson Auto Group Fieldhouse, unsealed water bottles and helium balloons are not allowed inside the facility. Security will request that any large bags, backpacks, and strollers be returned to your vehicle. Please note: Neither Mohave Community College nor the Anderson Auto Group Fieldhouse takes responsibility for lost, stolen, or misplaced items.
  • Per Arizona Revised Statute §13‐3102 A1, A2, and A10, it is prohibited to carry weapons of any kind on the Anderson Auto Group Fieldhouse property.
  • As Commencement is held in the Bullhead City/Fort Mohave area, please be aware of the possibility of extreme temperatures. While the Event Center is climate-controlled, please be prepared for longer lines while entering the facility due to the hundreds of graduates and guests in attendance as well as the extensive security measures.
  • It is recommended that graduates wear flat shoes as the Fieldhouse floor may be uneven in some areas.
  • Security will be present both inside and outside the facility and will control the flow of traffic. Please be aware of and follow all signage and any directions of the security staff for everyone’s safety and security.
  • MCC staff will be available throughout the venue to help you with any questions or concerns.

Commencement Instructions


  • Check-In and Pre-Ceremony

    1. Please plan your arrival for one hour (2pm) before the ceremony begins. Be sure to bring your cap and gown!
    2. It is recommended that graduates leave all their personal items, including purses and cell phones, with guests or lock them up in their vehicle. The Commencement ceremony has many “moving” parts and thus students have communicated in the past that it difficult to manage the ceremony procession and personal items. Please note that MCC staff will not be able to manage graduates’ personal items if they choose to bring them.
    3. Graduates will need to enter through the east door. Signage will be posted as well as MCC staff present in order to guide and assist students. Staff will be available to check in graduates.
    4. Staff will be available to guide you to your seat on the bleachers. Students will need to remain in their designated seat. However, there will be designated restrooms within the area if you need to make any last-minute trips.
    5. Staff will be available if you have questions. Staff will have access to limited supplies (e.g., bobby pins, hairspray). Please remember your tassel should be placed on the right when doing your final preparations.
  • Ceremony
      1. Please stand for the National Anthem.
      2. Students and faculty will remain seated until recognized by the announcer in which you will be prompted to stand up as your designated group (e.g., Faculty, Degrees, and Certificates).
      3. If you are a member of one or more of the following groups, please stand when your group is recognized:
        • Veteran of the Armed Forces
        • Honors
        • Phi Theta Kappa Member
        • All Arizona Academic Team Member
      4. MCC staff members will be positioned throughout the floor to assist. They will signal to you when you need to stand.
      5. While in line, you will be directed by an MCC staff member to present your name card that will be given to the announcer and kept for the photographer.
      6. After your name is called, please step up on the stage and cross to center stage. Please note: There is a ramp up to and off of the stage; an MCC staff member will be at each side of the stage to provide limited assistance for you.
      7. You will be directed to pick up a diploma cover and pause for two photos, one on stage with the President and one after you exit stage before returning to your seat. Please note that multiple MCC staff members will be present on the floor to guide you through this process.
      8. When the last graduate reaches their seat, the President will ask you to stand. You will be asked to move your tassel “to the left”, and will be introduced to the audience as the class of 2025.
        • Recessional
          1. Stay standing. You will hear the music begin playing to end the ceremony. You will be excused one row at a time by an MCC staff member who will guide you to the proper exit in order to meet with your family and friends outside. Please exit in an orderly and timely fashion to allow the Anderson Auto Group Fieldhouse staff to begin the cleaning process.
          2. As you exit, please pick up your graduation gift.

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