PTK – Neal Campus – Kingman Chapter (Alpha Chi Omega)

PTK – Neal Campus – Kingman Chapter (Alpha Chi Omega)

Picture of PTK Kingman chapter members.

Phi Theta Kappa has recognized academic excellence in two-year colleges since 1918 and has become the largest and the most prestigious honor society serving two-year colleges around the world.

Membership is based primarily upon academic achievement. Invitation to membership may be extended only by the local campus chapter at the institution in which you are enrolled.

Meetings are held on the second and fourth Friday of each month at 10:00am in room 1104 and via Zoom:

Mission Statement

“The purpose of Phi Theta Kappa shall be to recognize and encourage scholarship among community, technical, and junior college students. To achieve this purpose, Phi Theta Kappa shall provide opportunity for the development of leadership and service, for an intellectual climate of ideas and ideals, for lively fellowship for scholars, and for stimulation of interest in continuing academic excellence.”

Phi Theta Kappa Eligibility for Membership

1) You must be enrolled at MCC.
2) You must have completed at least 12 hours of coursework leading to an associate degree program, except certificate programs only need 6 hours completed.
3) You must have an overall grade point average of 3.5.

Membership in Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society will open new doors for your academic journey. The organization offers myriad opportunities for scholarships, intellectual enrichment and personal development through programs based on Phi Theta Kappa’s four hallmarks: Scholarship, Leadership, Service and Fellowship.

Contact your local campus chapter faculty advisor for more information. For international, national and regional Phi Theta Kappa information, click on the links on the right.


President – Robert Gale
Vice President of Leadership – Heather Sprague
Vice President of Service – Elizabeth Benson
Vice President of Scholarship – Debbie McKee
Vice President of Public Relations – Lisa Sanchez
Secretary – Emily Hernandez

Club Photos


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