MCC Newscast- Mohave Minutes - November 2023
Reporters and Editors, if there's a story you see in the newscast and would like more information, a photo, or a soundbite for radio and/or video reports, please contact MCC Executive Director of College Communications James Jarman at . Thank you!
MCC News shares the college news and events, along with student and employee stories ...
MCC Newscast - Mohave Minutes - October 2023
Reporters and Editors, if there's a story you see in the newscast and would like more information, a photo, or a soundbite for radio and/or video reports, please contact MCC Executive Director of College Communications James Jarman at . Thank you!
MCC News shares the college news and events, along with student and employee stories ...
MCC Newscast - Mohave Minutes - September 2023
Reporters and Editors, if there's a story you see in the newscast and would like more information, a photo, or a soundbite for radio and/or video reports, please contact MCC Executive Director of College Communications James Jarman at . Thank you!
MCC News shares the college news and events, along with student and employee storie...
MCC Newscast - Mohave Minutes - August 2023
Reporters and Editors, if there's a story you see in the newscast and would like more information, a photo, or a soundbite for radio and/or video reports, please contact MCC Executive Director of College Communications James Jarman at . Thank you!
MCC News shares the college news and events, along with student and employee stories f...
MOHAVE COUNTY - Mohave Community College, WAVE CTED and several local high school districts are partnering on a new project to help more students get on pathways to great careers, with a focus on students who may not realize the importance of post-secondary education and skills training.
Under the partnership agreement, MCC and Western Arizona Vocational Education Career Technical Education Dist...
She grew up in Hemet, California and for family reasons, moved to Mohave County in 2005. She pursued her education at Mohave Community College and obtained her GED at the age of 16. She then before embarking on an Associate of Arts degree in science, focusing on psychology.
However, she was prevented from completing her studies when she was diagnosed with late-onset Type 1 diabetes at the age of 2...
MCC Newscast - Mohave Minutes - June 2023
Reporters and Editors, if there's a story you see in the newscast and would like more information, a photo, or a soundbite for radio and/or video reports, please contact MCC Executive Director of College Communications James Jarman at . Thank you!
MCC News shares the college news and events, along with student and employee stories fro...
MCC Newscast - Mohave Minutes - May 2023
Reporters and Editors, if there's a story you see in the newscast and would like more information, a photo, or a soundbite for radio and/or video reports, please contact MCC Executive Director of College Communications James Jarman at . Thank you!
MCC News shares the college news and events, along with student and employee stories from...
Congratulations 2023 Graduates! We are so proud of you!
Click to open the program and you will see a download option. Below on this page is also a downloadable .pdf version. There is also a video with pictures submitted by 2023 graduates, which will also be played on the fieldhouse monitor prior to the ceremony on May 12, 2023 at 3pm.
For more details on Commencement, visit the Graduation and Comme...
MCC Newscast - Mohave Minutes - April 2023
Reporters and Editors, if there's a story you see in the newscast and would like more information, a photo, or a soundbite for radio and/or video reports, please contact MCC Executive Director of College Communications James Jarman at . Thank you!
MCC News shares the college news and events, along with student and employee stories fr...
BULLHEAD CITY — A junior high school student who created a short action film called Lego Royale 7 won the $500 grand prize at the Mohave Community College Bullhead City Student Arts Club's 3rd Annual Flash Film Festival.
For the festival McCune, a Fox Creek Junior High 7th grade student, submitted a one minute video that features a 007 Lego character on a mission to steal Russian nuclear missile cod...
BULLHEAD CITY — A new series of non-credit classes at Mohave Community College aims to bridge the gap between business needs and education in Mohave County through a partnership between the college, local Chambers of Commerce and ARIZONA@WORK.
The Workforce Excellence Series includes six programs on topics most requested by area employers: management and supervision, conflict management and resoluti...
MCC Newscast - Mohave Minutes - March 2023
Reporters and Editors, if there's a story you see in the newscast and would like more information, a photo, or a soundbite for radio and/or video reports, please contact MCC Executive Director of College Communications James Jarman at . Thank you!
MCC News shares the college news and events, along with student and employee stories fr...
BULLHEAD CITY – Mohave Community College, the MCC Foundation and ARIZONA@WORK are partnering for this year's Bighorn Trek event (formerly known as Connecting the Community, or ConCom).
The first annual Bighorn Trek event will feature college programs and businesses who hire those program graduates. ARIZONA@WORK will hold a large hiring event with many businesses throughout the tristate searchin...
MCC Newscast - Mohave Minutes - February 2023.
Reporters and Editors, if there's a story you see in the newscast and would like more information, a photo, or a soundbite for radio and/or video reports, please contact MCC Executive Director of College Communications James Jarman at . Thank you!
MCC News shares the college news and events, along with student and employee st...