New Student Orientation

New Student Orientation

Welcome to Mohave Community College’s New Student Orientation. We are excited you have chosen to be a Bighorn!

New Student Orientation is an essential part of your college experience and provides a foundation for success. The New Student Orientation program is designed to provide you with information, resources, tools, and tips to be a successful student. It is also designed for your specific area of interest.

New Students will automatically be enrolled in the orientation session nearest to your home campus. If you are located more than 60 miles away, you will receive access to our Online Orientation prior to the start of classes.

Bullhead City Campus
Kingman Campus
Lake Havasu City Campus
North Mohave Campus

Making the Best of Orientation

Preparing for orientation

  1. Get Verified – Set up Multi-factor Authentication.
  2. Login – Sign in to your MyMohave Portal and Student Email.
  3. Paying for College – Make sure you have completed the FAFSA
  4. Advising & Registration – Register for classes and schedule an appointment with an Academic Advisor if you have not met with them yet.
  5. Accommodations – If you require accommodations during your orientation, including services such as sign language interpreting or mobility support, please contact MCC at least one week in advance of your orientation session. Call MCC Connect at 866.664.2832 or email

This exciting few-hour experience will introduce you to the resources and tools essential for your success. 
Your orientation experience will cover:

  • Get involved in the community and discover the vibrant student life on your campus
  • Meet with experienced and knowledgeable academic advisors
  • Learn about the wide range of resources and services available to you
  • Meet with key individuals who can help you navigate your college journey

We highly recommend that you wear comfortable shoes for walking around campus. If you have any questions please contact us at so that we can assist you.

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