Message from Dr. Stacy Klippenstein
A Message From President Klippenstein,
Mohave Community College (MCC) is a college that has served Mohave County, our communities, and our students extremely well over the past 48 years. With over 61,000 graduates, MCC has been a critical economic and workforce engine for this region of Arizona. In order for MCC to continue this success and maintain innovative approaches to serving our communities and students and addressing future trends, MCC must continuously assess current situations and collaboratively, as a team, envision the future. Therefore, the strategic planning process is critical to this goal.
As the president of Mohave Community College, I am excited about this process and am encouraged by the positive and collaborative spirit of our faculty, staff, students, and community partners. I wish for this process to be open and fully inclusive to all constituents and communities we serve. Shaping our future from a team perspective is critical to any organization. Utilizing the skills and knowledge of CampusWorks as well as the guidance from the Strategic Planning Team, I believe our process and end product will be outstanding. Everyone’s voice will be heard and all thoughts will be analyzed and synthesized by Campusworks and our Strategic Planning Team. As a “cascading” style of process, each step informs the next. As we collect information from the SWOT Survey, Student Experience Day, Future Summit, and many other open and informative sessions, it will provide the right synthesized information to build our future strategies, goals, and objectives.
Please continue to participate and share your thoughts. To keep informed, please continually review the Strategic Planning 2025 web page or send an email with questions and or thoughts to Pay attention to upcoming events, such as:
• Nov. 7 Student Experience Workshop, 9:30 am-2:30 pm at all campuses. Student voices wanted, especially in afternoon, 12:30-2:30 pm.
• Stay tuned for a big event on Jan. 13th, the Future Summit. It should be fun and motivational and will include an opportunity for our community partners to join and share their thoughts. It is from this event that the threads of the future strategic plan will really begin to take shape.
I appreciate your participation and willingness to help shape the future of the wonderful institution and engine for Mohave County. We are here to Improve Lives and Improve Communities. Go Bighorns!