Achenbach, Richard OCCUPATIONAL EXPERIENCE - WELDING Adams, Jason POINT PARK UNIVERSITY Bachelor of Science, Accelerated Criminal Justice SALVE REGINA UNIVERSITY Masters of Science, Administration of Justice Ainsworth, Troy ARIZONA STATE UNIVERSITY - TEMPE Bachelor of Science, Accounting KELLER GRAD SCHOOL MANAGEMENT Masters of Business Admin Almukahhal, Raja HOWARD UNIVERSITY Doctorate, Physics Alvarado Medrano, Jasmin MOHAVE COMMUNITY COLLEGE Associate of Applied Science, Health , Dental Hygiene Alvarez, Luis NATIONAL UNIVERSITY Associate of Arts NORTHERN ARIZONA UNIVERSITY Bachelor of Science, Administration of Justice Masters of Education, Educational Leadership Anderson, Donald CALIFORNIA STATE UNIV - HAYWARD Masters of Arts, Anthropology UNIVERSITY ARIZONA Doctorate, Anthropology UNIVERSITY CALIFORNIA - DAVIS Bachelor of Arts, Sociology Anderson, Eugenia NORTHERN ARIZONA UNIVERSITY Masters of Arts, English Antila, Michael MONTANA TECH UNIV MONTANA Bachelor of Science, Applied Mathematics WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY Masters of Science Archer, Emily BROWARD CMTY COLL CENTRAL Associate of Arts, Sociology FLORIDA ATLANTIC UNIVERSITY Bachelor of Arts, Sociology Masters of Arts, Sociology Armstrong, Michele SADDLEBACK COLLEGE Associate of Arts, Liberal Arts and Sciences UNIVERSITY MARYLAND UNIVERSITY COLLEGE Bachelor of Science, Business and Management UNIVERSITY PHOENIX Masters of Information Systems, Information Systems Ashraf, Tasneem UNIVERSITY ARIZONA Masters of Science, Biology Askew, Gerald DEFENSE LANGUAGE INSTITUTE OCCUPATIONAL EXPERIENCE--ELECTRICAL Avila-Sedoris, Janielle ECKERD COLLEGE Bachelor of Arts, Int'l Relations/Global Affairs STETSON UNIVERSITY Juris Doctor Bain, Teresa UNIVERSITY DENVER HS Bachelor of Fine Arts Baker, Emily MOHAVE COMMUNITY COLLEGE Associate of Arts, Liberal Arts NORTHERN ARIZONA UNIVERSITY Bachelor of Science, Business Administration Masters of Education, Counseling Bangsund, Kevin MINNESOTA STATE UNIV MANKATO Bachelor of Arts, Art Barlow, Kevin MOHAVE COMMUNITY COLLEGE Associate of Applied Science, Fire Science Barlow, Lily ARIZONA LICENSED PARAMEDIC MOHAVE COMMUNITY COLLEGE Associate of Applied Science, Paramedic UTAH CERTIFIED PARAMEDIC INSTRUCTOR UTAH LICENSED PARAMEDIC Barlow, Melvin ARIZONA LICENSED PARAMEDIC CERTIFIED EMCT - ADVANCED EMT LICENSED UTAH PARAMEDIC INSTRUCTOR MOHAVE COMMUNITY COLLEGE Certificiate of Proficiency, Paramedic UTAH LICENSED PARAMEDIC Barnes, Lisa MOHAVE COMMUNITY COLLEGE Associate of Arts, Art & Design, Edu, Hum, Lang , Liberal Arts , Art & Design, Edu, Hum, Lang AGEC-A Arts, Arizona Gen Edu Curriculum-A Barrera, George NEW YORK CHIROPRACTIC COLLEGE Masters of Science, Human Anatomy and Physiology TRIDENT UNIVERSITY Bachelor of Science, Health Sciences Bassa, Amal GEORGE WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY Masters of Science, Chemistry Batarseh, Ayoub UNIV ILLINOIS CHICAGO Bachelor of Science, Electrical Engineering Masters of Science, Electrical Engineering&compsci Becker, Marsha UTAH STATE UNIVERSITY Bachelor of Science, Teaching Benetti, Rachel AZ STATE BOARD NURSING RN LICENSE GRAND CANYON UNIVERSITY Bachelor of Science, Nursing Masters of Science, Nursing Bennett, Nicole AURORA UNIVERSITY Masters of Social Work, Social Work Berebitsky, Holly CERTIFIED MEDICAL ASSISTANT INDIANA UNIVERSITY-PURDUE UNIVERSITY INDIANAPOLIS Bachelor of Arts, General Studies IVY TECH CMNTY COLG SOUTH BEND Associate of Applied Science, Medical Assisting NEW PALESTINE HIGH SCHOOL Bigelow, Orville A. T. STILL UNIVERSITY Doctorate, Health Sciences CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY, LOS ANGELES Bachelor of Science, Nutritional Science Masters of Science, Nutritional Science DARTMOUTH INSTITUTE FOR HEALTH POLICY CLINICAL PRACTICE SANTA MONICA COLLEGE Associate of Arts, General Science Bigelow, Toni CALIFORNIA STATE UNIV - NORTHRIDGE Bachelor of Science, Recreation NORTHERN ARIZONA UNIVERSITY Masters of Arts Bouche, Benjamin OCCUPATIONAL EXPERIENCE - WELDING Bowman, Paul LEE UNIVERSITY Bachelor of Arts, History UNIVERSITY MEMPHIS Masters of Arts, History Bowman, Sean UNIVERSITY CALIFORNIA - BERKELEY Bachelor of Arts, Economics UNIVERSITY TEXAS AT AUSTIN Masters of Science, Accounting Boyd, Kenneth MOHAVE COMMUNITY COLLEGE Certificiate of Proficiency, HVAC: Residential , HVAC: Installation Brady, Scott SNOW COLLEGE Associate of Arts, Biology SOUTHERN UTAH UNIVERSITY Bachelor of Science, Biology WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY Masters of Science, Environmental Science Brickey, David MOHAVE COMMUNITY COLLEGE Certificiate of Proficiency, HVAC/R: Light Commercial OCCUPATIONAL EXPERIENCE - HVAC Briere, Elizabeth ARIZONA STATE BOARD PHYSICAL THERAPY DES MOINES UNIVERSITY Doctor of Physical Therapy, Physical Therapist UNIVERSITY CONNECTICUT Bachelor of Science, Physical Therapist Broz, Kerry UNIVERSITY NEBRASKA AT KEARNEY Masters of Arts, Speech Communication UNIVERSITY NEBRASKA- LINCOLN Bachelor of Science, Education and Family Resources Byrne, Mark ARIZONA STATE UNIVERSITY - TEMPE Bachelor of Science, Management Caffey, Jim MISSOURI STATE U SPRINGFIELD Bachelor of Science, Physics Masters of Arts, Teaching Masters of Science, Natural & Applied Science Caldwell, Jody CONCORDIA UNIVERSITY CA Masters of Education, Educational Leadership UNIVERSITY PHOENIX Bachelor of Science, Criminal Justice Administratio Masters of Science, Admin of Justice and Seurity Canaman-Johnston, Evangeline CALIFORNIA STATE UNIV - LOS ANGELES Certificiate of Proficiency, Esl Teach Carlson, Mark NORTHERN ARIZONA UNIVERSITY Bachelor of Science, Hotel and Restaurant Mgmt Carpenter, Hollie EASTERN ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY Bachelor of Science, Education Masters of Science, Elementary Education Carpenter, Ronald UNIVERSITY CALIFORNIA - RIVERSIDE Bachelor of Arts UNIVERSITY UTAH Masters of Arts Doctor of Philosophy Cawley, John GRAND CANYON UNIVERSITY Masters of Education, Curriculum & Instruction UNIVERSITY UTAH Bachelor of Science, Computer Science Cawley, Teresa SOUTHERN UTAH UNIVERSITY Bachelor of Science UNIVERSITY UTAH Masters of Science, Education Math Chandler, Brandy NORTHERN ARIZONA UNIVERSITY Masters of Arts, English-Rhetoric&teaching Writ UNION UNIVERSITY Education Specialist Degree, Educational Leadership UNIV TENNESSEE KNOXVILLE Bachelor of Science, Marketing Management Masters of Business Admin, Business Administration Cheatham, Tracy NORTH CAROLINA A T STATE UNIVERSITY Masters of Science, Chemistry Childers, Alicia AZ STATE BOARD NURSING RN LICENSE MOHAVE COMMUNITY COLLEGE Associate of Arts, Liberal Arts Associate of Applied Science, Nursing NATIONAL REGISTRY EMERGENCY MEDICAL TECHNICIANS WESTERN GOVERNORS UNIVERSITY Bachelor of Science, Nursing Masters of Science, Nursing-Education Rn to Ms Cieslewicz, Kathy SOUTHERN UTAH UNIVERSITY Bachelor of Science, Art Composite Clifford, Julie NBSTSA - CERTIFIED SURGICAL TECHNICIAN STEVENS HENAGER COLLEGE Associate of Arts, Surgical Technology UNIVERSITY UTAH Bachelor of Science, Psychology Clifford, Laurel OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY Masters of Arts, Advanced Math Ed/Mat UNIVERSITY OREGON Bachelor of Arts, Math Coleman, Tamra ARIZONA STATE BOARD PHYSICAL THERAPY PACIFIC UNIVERSITY Doctor of Physical Therapy UNIVERSITY PUGET SOUND Bachelor of Science, Physical Therapist Commisso, Patricia LAKE HAVASU HIGH SCHOOL MOHAVE COMMUNITY COLLEGE NORTHERN ARIZONA UNIVERSITY Bachelor of Science, Elementary Education Masters of Education, Early Childhood Education Cook, Agnieszka NORTHERN ARIZONA UNIVERSITY Bachelor of Science, Elementary Education Cook, Chris ARIZONA STATE UNIVERSITY - TEMPE Bachelor of Science, Wildlife Conservation Biology NORTHCENTRAL UNIVERSITY Masters of Education, Educational Leadership Cornelison, Kristy NORTHERN ARIZONA UNIVERSITY Bachelor of Science, Biology UNIVERSITY TEXAS AT ARLINGTON Masters of Education, Science Education WESTERN GOVERNORS UNIVERSITY Masters of Science, Education Cote, Jacob GEORGETOWN UNIVERSITY Juris Doctor Juris Doctor UNIVERSITY LIVERPOOL Bachelor of Arts, International Relations Bachelor of Science, Journalism Bachelor of Arts, International Relations Bachelor of Science, Journalism Cover, Comfort MID-PLAINS COMMUNITY COLLEGE Associate of Arts REGIS UNIVERSITY Masters of Business Admin, Business Administration UNIVERSITY DENVER Masters of Business Admin, Business UNIVERSITY PHOENIX Doctorate Business, Business Cox, Russell IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY Bachelor of Science, Electrical Engineering MARQUETTE UNIVERSITY Doctorate, Electrical/Computer Engineerin Masters of Science, Electrical/Computer Engineerin Crawford, Jacob CALIFORNIA STATE UNIV - SACRAMENTO Bachelor of Arts, History Masters of Arts, History Crossman, Lisa AZ STATE BOARD NURSING RN LICENSE BELLIN COLLEGE NURSING Bachelor of Science, Nursing GRAND CANYON UNIVERSITY Masters of Science, Nursing Curry, Mary STERLING COLLEGE KS Bachelor of Science, Business WEBSTER UNIVERSITY Masters of Arts, Management Dagres, Tara NORTHERN ARIZONA UNIVERSITY Bachelor of Science, Elementary Education Masters of Education, Educational Technology Darbonne, Julia AMERICAN INTERCONTINENTAL UNIV Masters of Education, Curriculum & Instruction MCNEESE STATE UNIVERSITY Bachelor of Science, Criminal Justice Davis, Michelle CAPELLA UNIVERSITY Masters of Science, Education GOVERNORS STATE UNIVERSITY Bachelor of Arts NORTHCENTRAL UNIVERSITY Doctorate, Educational Technology UNIVERSITY PHOENIX Masters of Arts, Adult Education Dawson, Tina MOHAVE COMMUNITY COLLEGE Certificiate of Proficiency, Phlebotomy REGISTERED PHLEBOTOMY TECHNICIAN DeLong, Natalie AZ STATE BOARD NURSING RN LICENSE GRAND CANYON UNIVERSITY Bachelor of Science, Nursing Depner, Karen UNIVERSITY SOUTHERN MISSISSIPPI Masters of Arts, Spanish UNIVERSITY TOLEDO Bachelor of Arts, Spanish Dieringer, Stephanie CITY UNIVERSITY NEW YORK Bachelor Degree, Economics Doctorate, Economics Masters Degree, Economics UNIVERSITY CALIFORNIA - DAVIS Juris Doctor Dockstader, Joseph NORTHERN ARIZONA UNIVERSITY Masters of Arts, English Dodge, Erin MOHAVE COMMUNITY COLLEGE Associate of Applied Science, Bus, Comp Science & Info Tech , Healthcare Information Tech , Health Certificiate of Proficiency, Medical Asst:Medical Bill/Cde Dooley, Kamrin BRIGHAM YOUNG UNIVERSITY - IDAHO SHERIDAN HIGH SCHOOL UNIVERSITY WYOMING Dooley, Ryan OKLAHOMA CITY UNIVERSITY Juris Doctor Dorsett, Ginger AZ STATE BOARD NURSING RN LICENSE GRAND CANYON UNIVERSITY Bachelor of Science, Nursing Masters of Science, Nursing NV STATE BOARD NURSING RN LICENSE Drew, Zachary OCCUPATIONAL EXPERIENCE - WELDING Drexler, John HILLSDALE COLLEGE Bachelor of Arts, History Education NORTHERN ARIZONA UNIVERSITY Masters of Education, Secondary Education Duncanson, Ola CAPELLA UNIVERSITY Doctorate, Psychology Masters of Science, Psychology NORTHWESTERN STATE UNIVERSITY Masters of Education, Adult/Continuing Education TROY STATE UNIVERSITY TROY Masters of Science, Psychology Durphy, Edward OCCUPATIONAL EXPERIENCE - AUTOMOTIVE PENNCO TECH TRADE SCHOOL Eaton, Susan WRIGHT STATE UNIVERSITY DAYTN Bachelor of Arts, English Masters of Education, Secondary Education Ellis, Pamela AZ STATE BOARD NURSING RN LICENSE UNIVERSITY LA VERNE Masters of Science, Health Administration UNIVERSITY PHOENIX Bachelor of Science, Nursing Masters of Science, Nursing UNIVERSITY REDLANDS Bachelor of Arts, Liberal Studies Engineer, Amita SHIPPENSBURG UNIV PA Masters of Science, Biology Masters of Science Esgro, Mitzi NORTHERN ARIZONA UNIVERSITY Bachelor of Science, Elementary Education Masters of Education, Educational Leadership Evins, Kenneth BOB JONES UNIVERSITY Bachelor of Science Masters of Arts Farah, Farah OHIO UNIVERSITY ATHENS Doctorate, Chemistry Felish, Jenna ARIZONA STATE UNIVERSITY - TEMPE Bachelor of Science, Business Administration MESA COMMUNITY COLLEGE Associate of Business UNIVERSITY PHOENIX Masters of Arts, Adult Education Fischer, Craig NORTHERN ARIZONA UNIVERSITY Bachelor of Arts, Computer Science Bachelor of Arts, History Masters of Arts, History Fitzsimmons, Connie NORTHERN ARIZONA UNIVERSITY Bachelor of Science UNIVERSITY PHOENIX Masters of Arts Fuentes, Cesar NORTHERN ARIZONA UNIVERSITY Bachelor of Science, Biology Doctorate, Biology Masters of Science, Biology Gagen, Gina OUR LADY LAKE UNIVERSITY Masters of Arts, Human Sciences Gift, Tracy FAIRLEIGH DICKINSON UNIVERSITY Associate of Science, Dental Hygiene NORTH CENTRAL UNIVERSITY Certificiate of Proficiency, Education Specialist Higher Ed OCCUPATIONAL LICENSE YOUNGSTOWN STATE UNIVERSITY Bachelor of Science, Allied Health Masters of Arts, Health and Human Services Gilbert, Donald ARIZONA LICENSED PARAMEDIC MOHAVE COMMUNITY COLLEGE Associate of Applied Science, Paramedic NATIONAL REGISTRY EMERGENCY MEDICAL TECHNICIANS Gilbert, Stacey A. R. R. T. R. T. (R)(CT) CYPRESS COMMUNITY COLLEGE Associate of Science, Radiologic Science PIMA MEDICAL INSTITUTE Bachelor of Science, Radiologic Science SOUTHERN ILLINOIS UNIVER-CARBONDALE Masters of Science, Radiologic Science Gonzalez, Melissa NORTHERN ARIZONA UNIVERSITY Bachelor of Science, Bus, Comp Science & Info Tech Gray, Shelagh Lee CAMBRIDGE COLLEGE MA Masters of Education, Counseling Masters of Education, Psychology WALDEN UNIVERSITY Doctorate, Applied Mgmt&decision Sciences Gray, Tania WESTERN OREGON UNIVERSITY Bachelor of Science Masters of Science Greco-Welch, Joy MOHAVE COMMUNITY COLLEGE Associate of Applied Science, Systems Administration NORTHERN ARIZONA UNIVERSITY Bachelor of Science, Interdisciplinary Studies Bachelor of Science, Technology Management Green, Comilla TEXAS SOUTHERN UNIVERSITY Doctorate, Pharmacy Green, Tracy CALIFORNIA STATE UNIV - DOMINGUEZ HILLS Masters of Public Administrati CALIFORNIA STATE UNIV - FULLERTON Bachelor of Arts, Geography Gridiron, Gerald KELLER GRAD SCHOOL MANAGEMENT Masters of Information Systems, Information Systems Grive, Timothy MOHAVE COMMUNITY COLLEGE Associate of Applied Science, Manufacturing Certificiate of Proficiency, Welding Tech: Fillet Weld Certificiate of Proficiency, Welding Tech: GMAW/FCAW Pipe Certificiate of Proficiency, Welding Tech: GMAW/FCAW Plate Certificiate of Proficiency, Welding Tech: SMAW Pipe Certificiate of Proficiency, Welding Tech: SMAW Pipe OCCUPATIONAL EXPERIENCE - WELDING Grzywinski, Edward ST PETERSBURG COLLEGE Associate of Arts UNIVERSITY OKLAHOMA Masters of Science UNIVERSITY SOUTH FLORIDA Bachelor of Arts Haberstroh, Paul UNIVERSITY CALIFORNIA - SAN DIEGO Bachelor of Arts, Biology UNIVERSITY HAWAII AT MANOA Doctorate, Oceanography UNIVERSITY WASHINGTON Masters of Science, Oceanography Haby, Jeffrey MISS STATE UNIVERSITY Masters of Science, Geoscience UNIVERSITY OKLAHOMA Bachelor of Science, Meteorology Haisten, David UNIVERSITY CALIFORNIA - RIVERSIDE Masters Degree UNIVERSITY CALIFORNIA - SANTA CRUZ Bachelor Degree Hanks, Sharon LEE M THURSTON HIGH SCHOOL Hanley, Jessica OCCUPATIONAL LICENSE PIMA MEDICAL INSTITUTE Associate of Science, Radiologic Science Bachelor of Science, Radiologic Science Hansen, John OKLAHOMA STATE UNIV STILLWATER Masters of Arts, English UNIVERSITY IOWA Bachelor of Arts, English Harden, Marc CALIFORNIA STATE UNIV - DOMINGUEZ HILLS Masters of Arts, Humanities Masters of Arts EXCELSIOR COLLEGE Bachelor of Science, Liberal Arts Harris, Makenna AZ LICENSED DENTAL HYGIENIST MOHAVE COMMUNITY COLLEGE Associate of Applied Science, Dental Hygiene Hawkes, Brent AZ LICENSED DENTIST UNIVERSITY NEVADA LAS VEGAS Doctor of Dental Medicine, Dentistry Hazel, Margaret UNIVERSITY SOUTH CAROLINA Juris Doctor Hemphill, Karen CONCORDIA UNIVERSITY OR Masters of Education, Curriculum & Instruction GOLDEN WEST COLLEGE Certificiate of Proficiency, Herrera, Genaro NATIONAL REGISTRY EMERGENCY MEDICAL TECHNICIANS Herrero, Sarah MOHAVE COMMUNITY COLLEGE Associate of Arts, Liberal Arts NORTHERN ARIZONA UNIVERSITY Bachelor of Science, Elementary Education Masters of Education, Special Education Hess, Kerrie AZ STATE BOARD NURSING RN LICENSE MO STATE BOARD NURSING RN LICENSE WESTERN GOVERNORS UNIVERSITY Masters of Science, Nursing Hicks, Jamie NORTHERN ARIZONA UNIVERSITY Bachelor of Science, Elementary Education Hill, Heather ALBION COLLEGE Bachelor of Arts, Environmental Studies Bachelor of Arts, Geological Sciences UNIVERSITY MAINE Masters of Science, Geological Sciences Masters of Science, Nursing Hoffman, Ty ARIZONA STATE UNIVERSITY - TEMPE Bachelor of Science, Math Bachelor of Science, Zoology Doctor of Philosophy, Biology (physiology Emphasis) OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY COLUMBUS Bachelor of Arts, Photography Hofstadter, Candace UNIVERSITY WISCONSIN - MADISON Bachelor Degree, Business Bachelor Degree Masters of Science, Business Masters of Science Holland, Trever OKLAHOMA STATE UNIV STILLWATER Doctorate, English Hollow, Anthony CALIFORNIA STATE UNIV - FULLERTON Bachelor of Science, Biological Science Masters of Science, Chemistry Hooven, Beth AZ STATE BOARD NURSING RN LICENSE UNIVERSITY MARYLAND- BALTIMORE Bachelor of Science, Nursing WESTERN GOVERNORS UNIVERSITY Masters of Science, Nursing Howell, Lori ARIZONA STATE UNIVERSITY - TEMPE Masters of Arts, Counseling LICENSED INDEPENDENT SUBSTANCE ABUSE COUNSELOR NEW MEXICO STATE UNIVERSITY Associate of Arts, Psychology Bachelor of Arts, Psychology Hubbard, McKenna MOHAVE COMMUNITY COLLEGE Certificiate of Proficiency, Paramedic OCCUPATIONAL LICENSE Irula, Jonathan NATIONAL REGISTRY EMERGENCY MEDICAL TECHNICIANS Isrow, Russell MOHAVE HIGH SCHOOL Jackson, Autumn NORTHERN ARIZONA UNIVERSITY Bachelor of Science, Hotel and Restaurant Mgmt Masters Degree, Administration Jackson, Jeff MOHAVE COMMUNITY COLLEGE Associate of Applied Science, Fire Science NATIONAL REGISTRY EMERGENCY MEDICAL TECHNICIANS Jackson, Tonya CAPELLA UNIVERSITY Doctor of Education, Curriculum & Instruction UNIVERSITY NEBRASKA AT KEARNEY Masters of Science, Biology Janoff-Faust, Jennifer ARIZONA STATE UNIVERSITY - TEMPE Bachelor of Arts, Sociology KAPLAN UNIVERSITY Masters of Arts, Business Administration UNIVERSITY PHOENIX Masters of Science, Admin of Justice and Seurity Johnson, Alana OCCUPATIONAL EXPERIENCE - CULINARY Johnson, Amber AMERICAN COLLEGE EDUCATION Masters of Education, Instruction Design & Technolog CALIFORNIA STATE UNIV - FULLERTON Bachelor of Arts, English Johnson, Jessica CHAMBERLAIN COLLEGE NURSING COLUMBIA SOUTHERN UNIVERSITY Bachelor of Science ILLINOIS STATE BOARD NURSING PARKLAND COLLEGE Associate of Arts WESTERN TECHNICAL COLLEGE Johnson, Michael ART INSTITUTE SEATTLE OCCUPATIONAL EXPERIENCE - CULINARY Jones, Charles UNIVERSAL TECHNICAL INSTITUTE Associate of Arts Jones, Erik ALLIANT INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY Bachelor of Science, International Business Admin Doctorate Business, Business Administration Masters of Business, International Business Admin JuddWoods, Cathrine UNIVERSITY WYOMING Bachelor of Arts, English Bachelor of Arts, Secondary Education Kapcsos, Erin AZ STATE BOARD NURSING RN LICENSE WALDEN UNIVERSITY Masters of Science, Nursing Kaylor, Douglas CA DENTAL BOARD LICENSE OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY COLUMBUS Doctor of Dental Medicine, Dentistry Keating, Kelene CALIF ST UNIV MONTEREY BAY Masters of Science, Marine Science Masters of Science Ketchum, Joseph WESTERN MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY Bachelor of Fine Arts, Creative Writing Bachelor of Fine Arts, English Masters of Arts, Creative Writing King, Ann CALIFORNIA STATE UNIV - EAST BAY Bachelor of Arts, Art Bachelor of Arts Masters of Arts, Multimedia Klann, Jody ARIZONA STATE UNIVERSITY - TEMPE Bachelor of Science, Biology Masters of Education UNIVERSITY FLORIDA Masters of Science, Pharmacy Klein, Jeannine UNIVERSITY WISCONSIN - MILWAUKEE Masters of Science, Urban Affairs Knarr, Brian NATIONAL REGISTRY EMERGENCY MEDICAL TECHNICIANS Kopecky, David NORTHERN ARIZONA UNIVERSITY Masters of Arts, History NORTHERN ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY Bachelor of Science, Political Science Kuzma, Robert CAPELLA UNIVERSITY Associate of Arts, Social Work Doctor of Philosophy, Philosophy NORTHERN ARIZONA UNIVERSITY Bachelor of Science, Theater Studies Masters of Education, Psychology Lacasse, Aaron BALL STATE UNIVERSITY Bachelor of Science, Social Studies: Us History CONCORDIA UNIVERSITY OR Masters of Education Lara, Genifer MISS STATE UNIVERSITY Masters of Science, Geoscience PRESCOTT COLLEGE Bachelor of Arts, Environmental Studies Bachelor of Arts, Wildlife Biology Lawson, Christopher AZ LICENSED EMT MOHAVE COMMUNITY COLLEGE NATIONAL REGISTRY EMERGENCY MEDICAL TECHNICIANS THOMAS JEFFERSON HIGH SCHOOL Leforce, Dennis ARIZONA STATE UNIVERSITY - TEMPE Bachelor of Arts, Education Bachelor of Arts, Humanities Lewis, Wanda UNIVERSITY NORTHERN COLORADO Masters of Science, Biological Science Libertini-Lucero, Margaret MOHAVE COMMUNITY COLLEGE Associate of Applied Science Certificiate of Proficiency, UNIVERSITY PHOENIX Bachelor of Science Lipinski, Sara UNIVERSITY TOLEDO Masters of Education, Secondary Education Livermore, Joshua MOHAVE COMMUNITY COLLEGE Associate of Applied Science, Fire Science NATIONAL REGISTRY EMERGENCY MEDICAL TECHNICIANS Lomas, Deborah JOHNSON WALES UNIVERSITY Masters of Science UNIVERSITY PHOENIX Doctor of Business Administrat, Business Administration Loss, Steven DICKINSON STATE UNIVERSITY Bachelor of Science, Secondary Education UNIVERSITY DENVER Masters of Arts, Music: Performance UNIVERSITY MISSOURI - KANSAS CITY Doctor of Arts, Performance Dma: Voice Lucero, Charles KINGMAN HIGH SCHOOL UNIVERSITY ARIZONA UNIVERSITY MISSOURI - KANSAS CITY Lucier, Celeste NORTHERN ARIZONA UNIVERSITY Bachelor of Science, Elementary Education Masters of Education, Elementary Education Lusk, Marilyn ALFRED UNIVERSITY Masters of Science, Education ROBERTS WESLEYAN COLLEGE Bachelor of Science, Nursing STATE UNIVERSITY NEW YORK-GENESEO Bachelor of Science, Nursing UNIVERSITY AT BUFFALO Masters of Science, Nursing MacLean, Vickie CALIFORNIA STATE UNIV - LONG BEACH Bachelor of Arts, English Education Mallinger, Anthony UNIVERSITY MINNESOTA MINNEAPOLIS Masters of Education, Business & Industry Education Markle, Nichole AZ LICENSED DENTAL HYGIENIST MOHAVE COMMUNITY COLLEGE Associate of Applied Science, Dental Hygiene Markley, Nina CA DENTAL ASSISTING LICENSE WESTERN CAREER COLLEGE Certificiate of Proficiency, Dental Assisting Martin, Carolyn UNIVERSITY PHOENIX Masters of Arts, Administration Masters of Arts, Education UNIVERSITY WISCONSIN - LA CROSSE Bachelor of Science, Coaching Competitive Athletics Bachelor of Science, Math Martin, Michelle NORTHERN ARIZONA UNIVERSITY Bachelor of Arts, Liberal Arts Masters of Education, Educational Leadership Martino, Susanlee CALIFORNIA STATE UNIV - SACRAMENTO Masters of Arts, Spanish SAN DIEGO STATE UNIVERSITY Bachelor of Arts, Spanish Masters of Science, Counseling Massey, Cheryl GRAND CANYON UNIVERSITY Masters of Education, Special Education NORTHERN ARIZONA UNIVERSITY Bachelor of Science, Political Science Mathieus, Daytaina AZ LICENSED DENTAL HYGIENIST MOHAVE COMMUNITY COLLEGE Associate of Applied Science, Dental Hygiene McKee, Theresa UNIVERSITY WISCONSIN - OSHKOSH Masters of Business Admin Masters of Science, Information Systems UNIVERSITY WISCONSIN -STEVENS POINT Bachelor of Science, Computer Information Systems Bachelor of Science, Data Communication McWilliams, Tenezee DEL MAR COLLEGE Melstrom, Ryne AZ LICENSED DENTAL HYGIENIST MOHAVE COMMUNITY COLLEGE Associate of Applied Science, Dental Hygiene NORTHERN ARIZONA UNIVERSITY Bachelor of Science, Chemistry Miller, Edwin ARIZONA LICENSED PARAMEDIC ARIZONA WESTERN COLLEGE LAKE HAVASU HIGH SCHOOL MOHAVE COMMUNITY COLLEGE Certificiate of Proficiency, Paramedic NATIONAL REGISTRY EMERGENCY MEDICAL TECHNICIANS Miller, Tanner ARIZONA LICENSED PARAMEDIC MOHAVE COMMUNITY COLLEGE Associate of Applied Science, Fire Science NATIONAL REGISTRY EMERGENCY MEDICAL TECHNICIANS Mitchell, Donald MOHAVE COMMUNITY COLLEGE Associate of Arts, Science, Tech, Engineer, Math , Mathematics , Art & Design, Edu, Hum, Lang AGEC-A Arts, Arizona Gen Edu Curriculum-A Mitchell, Nancy ARIZONA STATE BOARD NURSING CALIFORNIA STATE BOARD NURSING GRAND CANYON UNIVERSITY Doctor of Nursing Practice, Nursing Masters of Science, Nursing UNIVERSITY ALABAMA-HUNTSVILLE Bachelor of Science, Nursing Mitten, Richard OCCUPATIONAL EXPERIENCE - AUTOMOTIVE Morris, James OCCUPATIONAL EXPERIENCE - AUTOMOTIVE Mumford, Tricia MOHAVE COMMUNITY COLLEGE Certificiate of Proficiency, Paramedic UTAH CERTIFIED PARAMEDIC INSTRUCTOR UTAH LICENSED PARAMEDIC UTAH STATE UNIVERSITY Bachelor of Science, Accounting Myren, Carol AZUSA PACIFIC UNIVERSITY Bachelor of Arts, Music Newman, Jacquelyn AZ STATE BOARD NURSING RN LICENSE CAPELLA UNIVERSITY Bachelor of Science, Nursing Masters of Science, Nursing MOHAVE COMMUNITY COLLEGE Associate of Applied Science, Nursing Nicklin, Cory CITY UNIVERSITY Masters Degree, Elementary Education PACIFIC LUTHERAN UNIVERSITY Bachelor of Arts, Biology Nielsen, Maria ARIZONA STATE UNIVERSITY - TEMPE Bachelor of Science, Nursing MOHAVE COMMUNITY COLLEGE Associate of Applied Science, Nursing UT STATE BOARD NURSING RN LICENSE Noble, Tony NORTHERN ARIZONA UNIVERSITY Masters of Science, Management WILLAMETTE UNIVERSITY Bachelor of Arts, Economics Bachelor of Arts, History Nunemacher, Julie MOHAVE COMMUNITY COLLEGE Associate of Applied Science, Accounting Associate of Applied Science, Applications Specialist NORTHERN ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY Bachelor of Science, Elementary Education Osborn, Eric UNIVERSITY NORTHERN COLORADO Masters of Science, Biological Science Paine, Jaimee DEVRY UNIVERSITY ADDISON Bachelor of Science, Technical Management Masters of Arts, Finance Masters of Arts, Human Resources Management Masters of Business Admin, Business Administration Masters of Science, Educational Technology MOHAVE COMMUNITY COLLEGE Associate of Applied Science, Paralegal Certificiate of Proficiency, Paralegal MOUNT SAN JACINTO COLLEGE Associate of Applied Science, Geography Associate of Applied Science, Math Associate of Applied Science, Physics Palme, Sarah MOHAVE COMMUNITY COLLEGE Associate of Applied Science, Dental Hygiene NORTHERN ARIZONA UNIVERSITY Bachelor of Science, Health Sciences OCCUPATIONAL LICENSE Pantermoller, Lisa ASHFORD UNIVERSITY Masters of Arts, Teach Gen Sci Gr 5-12 FITCHBURG STATE UNIVERSITY Bachelor of Science, Biology Bachelor of Science, Earth Science Bachelor of Science, Geography SOUTHERN NEW HAMPSHIRE UNIVERSITY Bachelor of Arts, Math WESTERN GOVERNORS UNIVERSITY Masters of Arts, Mathematics Education Peddycord, William ARIZONA LICENSED PARAMEDIC NATIONAL REGISTRY EMERGENCY MEDICAL TECHNICIANS Penaloza, Carlos CITY UNIVERSITY NEW YORK Bachelor of Arts, Biology QUEENS COLLEGE Masters of Science, Biology QUEENSBOROUGH COMMUNITY COLLEGE Associates Degree, Liberal Arts Pfeifer, Theresa UNIVERSITY NEVADA LAS VEGAS Bachelor of Arts, Communication Studies Masters of Arts, Communication Studies Pina, Victoria NORTHERN ARIZONA UNIVERSITY Masters of Education, Educational Foundations Certificiate of Proficiency, Communication Studies Pinard, Susanne ARIZONA LICENSED PARAMEDIC DODDRIDGE COUNTY HIGH SCHOOL MIDWAY UNIVERSITY MOHAVE COMMUNITY COLLEGE Associate of Applied Science, Paramedic Certificiate of Proficiency, Paramedic AGEC-S Science, Associate of Applied Science Certificiate of Proficiency, Paramedic AGEC-S Science, AGEC-S Science, General Studies NATIONAL REGISTRY EMERGENCY MEDICAL TECHNICIANS NORTHERN ARIZONA UNIVERSITY Bachelor of Science Pirtle, Danny PRAIRIE VIEW A&M UNIVERSITY Masters of Science, Juvenile Justice Doctor of Philosophy, Juvenile Justice Placyk, John NORTHERN MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY Masters of Science, Biology Masters of Science, Biology UNIV TENNESSEE KNOXVILLE Doctorate, Ecology/Evolutionary Biology Doctorate, Ecology/Evolutionary Biology Plane, Shannon AZ STATE BOARD NURSING RN LICENSE CAPELLA UNIVERSITY Doctor of Education, Higher Education Leadership EAGLE GATE COLLEGE Bachelor of Science, Nursing UNIVERSITY PHOENIX Masters of Science, Nursing Pohlman, Darrell NORTH IOWA AREA COMMUNITY COLLEGE OCCUPATIONAL EXPERIENCE - HVAC Pope, Eric MOHAVE COMMUNITY COLLEGE Associates Degree , Welding Tech: GTAW Pipe , Welding Tech: GMAW/FCAW Plate OCCUPATIONAL EXPERIENCE - WELDING Pryor, Brenda UNIVERSITY ARIZONA Bachelor of Arts, Education Math Queen, Tommy ARIZONA LICENSED PARAMEDIC KAPLAN UNIVERSITY Associate of Applied Science, Fire Science Rankhorn, Kandice FORTIS INSTITUTE NASHVILLE Associate of Applied Science, Medical Laboratory Technology Reaves, Robert SAN DIEGO STATE UNIVERSITY Masters of Arts, Education Masters of Arts, Educational Technology UNIVERSITY CALIFORNIA - SAN DIEGO Bachelor of Arts, Physics Redman, Melody AZ STATE BOARD BOARD NURSING LPN BAY DE NOC COMMUNITY COLLEGE Certificiate of Proficiency, Licensed Pratical Nurse Richards, Hannah ART INSTITUTE LAS VEGAS Rigney, Melissa UNIVERSITY CALIFORNIA- LOS ANGELES Bachelor of Arts, English UNIVERSITY NEBRASKA- LINCOLN Doctorate, English Robertson, Benjamin ST CLOUD STATE UNIVERSITY Bachelor of Science, Art Education Rogers, Beau UNIVERSITY NEVADA RENO Masters of Arts Roper, Erin MOHAVE COMMUNITY COLLEGE TRUMAN STATE UNIVERSITY Bachelor of Science, Anthropology Bachelor of Science, Sociology UNIVERSITY ARIZONA Masters of Library Science, Library & Information Science Roth, Jeremy INDIANA UNIVERSITY BLOOMINGTON Bachelor of Arts, English PORTLAND STATE UNIVERSITY Masters of Fine Arts, Creative Writing Russell, Conor NORTHERN ARIZONA UNIVERSITY Bachelor of Fine Arts, Studion Art - Painting Salerno, Judith NORTHERN ARIZONA UNIVERSITY Bachelor Degree, Computer Technology Masters of Education, Educational Technology Saxon, Linda KAPLAN UNIVERSITY Masters of Science, Psychology UNIVERSITY PHOENIX Bachelor of Arts Masters of Arts, Education Masters of Arts, Educational Counseling Masters of Arts, Organizational Management Scaife, Katrina ARIZONA LICENSED PARAMEDIC MOHAVE COMMUNITY COLLEGE Associate of General Studies, General Studies NATIONAL REGISTRY EMERGENCY MEDICAL TECHNICIANS Schreurs, Erin CONCORDIA COLLEGE MOORHEAD MN Bachelor of Arts, Spanish Education Masters of Education Scurlock, Peter OCCUPATIONAL EXPERIENCE - HVAC Seay, Stacy SAN JOSE STATE UNIVERSITY Bachelor of Science Masters of Science Sessions, Jessica CITRUS COLLEGE Associate of Arts, Social & Behavioral Sciences NORTHERN ARIZONA UNIVERSITY Bachelor of Arts, Public Agency Service Masters of Education, Elementary Education Sindad, James OCCUPATIONAL LICENSE UNIVERSITY FLORIDA Doctor of Dental Medicine, Dentistry Singh, Bhaskar UNIVERSITY WISCONSIN - MADISON Masters of Science, Electrical Engineering UNIVERSITY WISCONSIN - MILWAUKEE Masters of Business Admin, Business Administration Skeen, Barbara GRAND CANYON UNIVERSITY Masters of Science, Execuitve Fire Leadership Skinner, Tara LAKE HAVASU HIGH SCHOOL MOHAVE COMMUNITY COLLEGE Associate of Applied Science, Surgical Technology NBSTSA - CERTIFIED SURGICAL TECHNICIAN UNKNOWN COLLEGE Smathers, Rebecca PIEDMONT HILLS HIGH SCHOOL UNIVERSITY CALIFORNIA - SANTA BARBARA Smith, Carole UNIVERSITY NEVADA RENO Bachelor Degree, General Studies Masters Degree, Justice Management Smith, Dustin UNIVERSITY ALABAMA TUSCALOOSA Doctor of Education, Higher Education Administratio Masters of Arts, Secondary Education UNIVERSITY NORTH ALABAMA Bachelor of Science, Biology Bachelor of Science, Secondary Education Smith, Lillian COLUMBIA SOUTHERN UNIVERSITY Doctorate, Business Administration FLORIDA STATE UNIVERSITY Bachelor of Science, Criminology Bachelor of Science, Sociology Masters of Business Admin, Business Administration TEXAS WOMEN'S UNIVERSITY Masters of Arts, Sociology Smith, Steven MOHAVE COMMUNITY COLLEGE Associate of Applied Science, Dental Hygiene OCCUPATIONAL LICENSE UNIVERSITY ARIZONA Bachelor of Arts, History Snyder, Kimberly ARGOSY UNIVERSITY Doctorate, Counseling Psychology Masters of Arts, Counseling Psychology CENTRAL COLLEGE IA Bachelor of Arts, Psychology Sobraske, Melinda BROCKPORT, STATE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE AT Bachelor of Arts, Biology NORTHERN ARIZONA UNIVERSITY Masters of Arts, Secondary Education Stewart, Cole GRAND CANYON UNIVERSITY Bachelor of Arts, Public Safety Bachelor of Arts Masters of Education, Education Masters of Education Doctor of Philosophy, General Psychology Stewart, Sierra GRAND CANYON UNIVERSITY Doctorate, General Psychology Doctorate UNIVERSITY NEVADA LAS VEGAS Bachelor of Arts, Psychology Bachelor of Arts UNIVERSITY PHOENIX Masters Degree, Health Administration Masters Degree Stinson, Lyndsey AZ STATE BOARD NURSING RN LICENSE BRIGHTWOOD COLLEGE Associate of Applied Science, Nursing CA STATE BOARD NURSING RN LICENSE WESTERN GOVERNORS UNIVERSITY Bachelor of Science, Nursing Strom, Andrew NORTHERN ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY Bachelor of Science, Computer Science Bachelor of Science, Mathematics Education Stutler, Kayla AZ STATE BOARD NURSING RN LICENSE GRAND CANYON UNIVERSITY Bachelor of Science, Nursing MOHAVE COMMUNITY COLLEGE Associate of Applied Science, Nursing Suchowierski, Michael ARIZONA STATE UNIVERSITY - TEMPE Bachelor of Arts, Secondary Education NORTHERN ARIZONA UNIVERSITY Masters of Education, Secondary Education Suchowierski, Nicole ARIZONA STATE UNIVERSITY - TEMPE Bachelor of Science, Finance Bachelor of Science, Management NORTHERN ARIZONA UNIVERSITY Masters of Education, Educational Technology Taylor, Forrest ARIZONA LICENSED PARAMEDIC COLUMBIA SOUTHERN UNIVERSITY Bachelor of Science, Fire Science Thompson, Kari BARRY UNIVERSITY Bachelor of Science, Math GRAND CANYON UNIVERSITY Masters of Arts, Teaching Thompson, Robert BLACKBURN COLLEGE Bachelor of Arts, Accounting MCKENDREE UNIVERSITY Masters of Business Admin, Business Administration Tominaga, Brian MOHAVE COMMUNITY COLLEGE Certificiate of Proficiency, Welding Tech: Fillet Weld Underwood, Daniel OCCUPATIONAL EXPERIENCE--CARPENTRY Vigneri, Jennifer MONROE COMMUNITY COLLEGE Associate of Applied Science, Criminal Justice NORTHERN ARIZONA UNIVERSITY Masters of Arts, Administration ROCHESTER INSTITUTE TECHNOLOGY Bachelor of Science, Criminal Justice UNIVERSITY AT BUFFALO Juris Doctor Vines, Holly NORTHERN ARIZONA UNIVERSITY Bachelor of Science, Elementary Education Masters of Education, Counseling Masters of Education, Education Wade, Tonya MOHAVE COMMUNITY COLLEGE Associate of Applied Science, General Studies NORTHERN ARIZONA UNIVERSITY Bachelor of Science, Health Science-Public Health OCCUPATIONAL LICENSE Walker, Brian AZ STATE BOARD NURSING RN LICENSE CA STATE BOARD NURSING RN LICENSE GRAND CANYON UNIVERSITY Masters of Business Admin, Business Administration Masters of Science, Nursing-Nursing Leadership NATIONAL UNIVERSITY Bachelor of Science, Nursing Walker, Danielle MOHAVE COMMUNITY COLLEGE Associate of Applied Science, Dental Hygiene NORTHERN ARIZONA UNIVERSITY Bachelor of Science, Dental Hygiene Masters of Education, Educational Leadership OCCUPATIONAL LICENSE Wang, Lydia FORT HAYS STATE UNIVERSITY Masters of Education UNIVERSITY KANSAS Bachelor of Science Wange, Owen CONCORDIA COLLEGE MOORHEAD MN Bachelor Degree, Math WALDEN UNIVERSITY Masters Degree, Curriculum & Instruction Warner, Valerie AZ STATE BOARD NURSING RN LICENSE IDAHO STATE UNIVERSITY Masters of Science, Nursing SAN JOSE STATE UNIVERSITY Bachelor of Science, Nursing Webber, Stephen NEW MEXICO STATE UNIVERSITY Masters of Fine Arts, Creative Writing OKLAHOMA STATE UNIV STILLWATER Bachelor of Arts, English Webster, Kevin CONNECTICUT COLLEGE Masters of Arts, Education SALVE REGINA UNIVERSITY Masters of Arts, Int'l Relations/Global Affairs UNION INSTITUTE UNIVERSITY Masters of Arts, Counseling Psychology UNIVERSITY NEVADA LAS VEGAS Masters Degree, Social Work Wells, Ralph CALIFORNIA STATE UNIV - SACRAMENTO Bachelor of Science, Management Information Systems White, Kathleen CALIFORNIA STATE POLYTECHNIC UNIV - POMONA Bachelor of Arts, Recreation Administration NORTHERN ARIZONA UNIVERSITY Masters of Education, Educational Leadership White, Kati CERTIFIED ORTHOPEDIC SURGERY CODER CERTIFIED PROFESSIONAL BILLER CERTIFIED PROFESSIONAL CODER CERTIFIED PROFESSIONAL MEDICAL AUDITOR Wienke, Matthew ARIZONA STATE UNIVERSITY - TEMPE Doctorate, Applied Mathematics Masters of Arts, Math UNIVERSITY NOTRE DAME Bachelor of Science, Math Bachelor of Science, Physics Wilbur, Erik SAN DIEGO STATE UNIVERSITY Bachelor of Arts, English Bachelor of Arts Wildebaur, Brett ARIZONA LICENSED PARAMEDIC MOHAVE COMMUNITY COLLEGE Associate of Applied Science, Fire Science Certificiate of Proficiency, Fire Science: Fire Fighter Certificiate of Proficiency, Firefighter: Driver/Operator Certificiate of Proficiency, Paramedic NATIONAL REGISTRY EMERGENCY MEDICAL TECHNICIANS Willits, Micheal LICENSED UTAH PARAMEDIC INSTRUCTOR NATIONAL REGISTRY EMERGENCY MEDICAL TECHNICIANS UTAH LICENSED PARAMEDIC Willson, Shaun EAST CAROLINA UNIVERSITY Masters of Arts, Biology Winsor, Rhiannon ARGOSY UNIVERSITY Masters of Business Admin, Business Administration BRYMAN SCHOOL ARIZONA Associate of Arts, Surgical Aos GRAND CANYON UNIVERSITY Doctor of Education, Education OCCUPATIONAL LICENSE WESTERN INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY Bachelor of Science, Business and Marketing Witt, Salina CAPELLA UNIVERSITY Masters of Science, Psychology Woolston, Jennifer INDIANIA UNIVERSITY PENNSYLVANIA Masters of Arts, English Masters of Arts Doctor of Philosophy, English Doctor of Philosophy WEST CHESTER UNIVERSITY PA Bachelor of Arts, Women's Studies Bachelor of Arts Wright, Devin MOHAVE COMMUNITY COLLEGE Associate of Applied Science, Radiologic Technology OCCUPATIONAL LICENSE Wright, Eric MIDDLE TENNESSEE STATE UNIV Bachelor of Science, Communications Masters of Arts, English Wyre, Steven UNIVERSITY OKLAHOMA Bachelor of Arts, Philosophy Masters of Arts, Philosophy UNIVERSITY PHOENIX Doctor of Education, Educational Leadership Yee, Alison CALIFORNIA STATE UNIV - LONG BEACH Masters of Science, Biology STONY BROOK UNIVERSITY Bachelor of Science, Marine Science Yesayan, Mariam KAPLAN UNIVERSITY Masters of Science, Higher Education Young, Kyle ARIZONA LICENSED PARAMEDIC Youso, Michelle IDAHO STATE UNIVERSITY Associate of Applied Science, Chemical Engineering MOHAVE COMMUNITY COLLEGE Associate of Applied Science, Gentech NORTHERN ARIZONA UNIVERSITY Masters of Education, Educational Leadership PRESCOTT COLLEGE Bachelor of Arts, Elementary Education Yuan, Carl UNIVERSITY CALIFORNIA- LOS ANGELES Bachelor of Science, Applied Mathematics Masters of Science, Biostatistics Zandvliet, Daniel ARIZONA LICENSED PARAMEDIC Zarzycki, Barbara ARIZONA STATE UNIVERSITY - TEMPE Bachelor of Arts, Higher Ed Comm Deg Attestation Zemojtel, Brian ARIZONA STATE UNIVERSITY - TEMPE Bachelor of Arts, History NORTHERN ARIZONA UNIVERSITY Masters of Education, Educational Leadership Zier, Angela TEXAS A&M UNIV CORPUS CHRISTI Bachelor of Science, Conservation Bio& Biodiversity Bachelor of Science, Wildlife & Fisheries Sciences UNIVERSITY MARYLAND- COLLEGE PARK Masters of Science, Chemical & Life Sciences Zink, Norma NORTHERN ARIZONA UNIVERSITY Bachelor of Science, Elementary Education UNIVERSITY PHOENIX Masters of Education, Educational Counseling x_fac_last_name, x_fac_first_name x_institution_name degree_desc, major_desc ccd_1_desc, specialization_1_desc ccd_2_desc, specialization_2_desc