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MOHAVE COUNTY – Mohave Community College board members will not increase student tuition or the tax rate for property owners in the college district.
This is the eighth year in a row the board has left the base tuition rate at $81 per credit hour and the third straight year they have not raised the property tax rate, both of which help fund college services.
MCC Board President Dr. Julie Bare offered multiple reasons for the decision.
“An increase in population and in new businesses moving into our county, coupled with wise fiscal management through the years, allowed the board to consider several options,” said Dr. Bare. “All board members agreed that no change in both the property tax rate or in tuition still allows MCC to continue offering exemplary services for all students and our communities.”
In Arizona, community colleges are largely funded through local property taxes and MCC receives approximately 60% of its funding from property taxpayers throughout the county. If the board had raised the tax rate, the average homeowner would have seen an increase of more than ten dollars on the college portion of their property tax bill next year.
Student tuition is another revenue source for the college, and the board decision to not raise it means the base tuition rate at MCC will remain among the lowest of the 10 community college districts in Arizona.
“The board and I want to make sure students in our district have access to affordable and high-quality higher education and career training,” said MCC President Dr. Stacy Klippenstein, who fully supports the board’s decisions. “We want to give everyone an opportunity to get a college education and keeping tuition as low as possible is a major component of that.”
Dr. Klippenstein said the college has zero debt and the budget is strong thanks to the hard work of past and current MCC administrations.
The college offers more than 80 degree and certificate options and is currently enrolling students in summer and fall semester classes. Summer semester begins May 23, fall semester starts August 22. It is free to apply to become a student at MCC, and all students receive complimentary student success services. More information is available online at Mohave.edu or by visiting one of the four campuses throughout the county. The college toll free phone number is 1-866-MOHAVECC (866-664-2832).

MCC board members and College President Dr. Stacy Klippenstein met at the North Mohave campus for the April board meeting. Board members will not to raise the college portion of the county property tax rate or tuition. In photo – (R-L) Dr. Stacy Klippenstein, Board President Dr. Julie Bare, Board Member Candida Hunter, Board Member Ashley Pascual. Board Member Susan McAlpine joined via Zoom, and Board Member Dr. Judy Selberg was absent.

The MCC North Mohave campus is located in Colorado City, which is south of Zion National Park, and along the border with Hildale, Utah.