MCC distributes more than $1M in federal pandemic funding to students, as Spring and Summer Semester registration begins


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MOHAVE COUNTY – Mohave Community College has given students more than four million dollars in CARES Act and American Recovery Plan Act funding to students since the pandemic began.

The college recently distributed $300 and $500 payments to 3,642 students who met eligibility guidelines set by the federal government and were enrolled in fall semester, for a total of $1,341,801.12.  Most eligible students received $300, while Career & Technical Education and Allied Health students received $500. CTE and Allied Health students received more because their out of pocket college expenses are higher due to program fees.  

The CARES Act was signed into law on March 27, 2020 and provides a variety of financial support to individuals and organizations affected by the COVID-19 (novel coronavirus) pandemic.  The American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) was signed into law on March 11, 2021 and also provides funding in support of institutions of higher education to serve students and ensure learning continues during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The college has distributed a total of $4,434,151 in federal funding directly to MCC students since the pandemic began. More emergency funding is expected to be distributed to eligible students during the Spring 2022 semester.

The college also announced on October 25th, that for the first time students can begin signing up for spring and summer semester classes at the same time. 

Spring classes start January 18 and Summer classes start May 24.  Students are encouraged to enroll in the classes they want and need as soon as possible, because many classes tend to fill up quickly.   It also allows the college time to determine if more classes need to be added to meet the demand.

Classes are being held on campus, online and remotely via Zoom.

Once a person fills out the free application to become an MCC student, the college student services team will be in contact to help guide them through the process, including financial assistance.

More information is available at the college’s four campuses, online at, or by calling 866-MOHAVECC (866-664-2832).  On campus everyone is strongly encouraged to wear a face covering in crowded buildings.  Individuals who have not been vaccinated are strongly encouraged to wear a face covering and social distance at all times on campus.

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