Student Reporter: A Little About Filing for Graduation


Apply for graduation now
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Attention graduates! If you are planning on graduating this spring then it’s time to complete your graduation application. The last date to submit the application at no cost is Friday, April the 13th dun dun dun! After that, there will be a late fee of $30.00, and you don’t want that, right? 

To participate in the commencement ceremony, students must

  • Fill out a graduation application
  • Indicate whether they are attending the commencement ceremony
  • And purchase their cap and gown

I just filled out my application and it only took a couple minutes. Click the picture below to find out about the commencement information and where to purchase your cap and gown and to apply for graduation.

2018 Graduation - Apply Now


Once you have followed the “graduation application” link, you might see on the right side that the requirement summary says, “not met yet.”  Don’t worry, mine did too. I talked to my advisor and she explained to me that there is an added course, but that it does not affect me or any other student. If you are still uncertain, just talk with your advisor to make sure you are on the right track for graduation.

I also just ordered my cap and gown which was about $25 total. I am so excited and proud of myself and everyone else who has worked hard to get their degree. This experience has completely changed my life and I hope it has changed all of yours for the better.

If you are having trouble logging into your student email, you can follow this link to file for graduation:

And if you would like to know more about the commencement ceremony but are unable to find the link for it, follow:

Congratulations and good luck to all graduating students and I’ll see you on the other side!