Student Reporter: How to link your student email and never miss a beat


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By Brittney Manson, Mohave Wire Reporter:

How often do you find yourself missing out on events on campus?

How about important announcements about classes?

Maybe you have to stop in and see an advisor, but you arrive to find Student Services is closed? 

Messages that will keep you in the loop on what’s happening are sent to students from MCC to your student e-mail accounts, but what student has the time to check their personal e-mails? School e-mails? Work e-mails? Who can keep up?

With the spring semester in full swing students are diligently prioritizing their work, school, and home-life responsibilities. Yet, a number of students don’t check their student emails regularly because it is either difficult to get to or they simply forgot they have one. As students are constantly juggling their responsibilities the student emails often times take a back seat, but linking your student email to your primary email means that you never have to miss out on what’s going on!

Upon enrollment, students are assigned a student email that consists of the first letter of your first name, your last name, and the last four numbers of your student I.D. followed by (i.e.

There are two ways to log into your student email:

  1. Log into jics by going to, then at the top right corner click myMohave. Click the login button at the top right, then follow the email link to your student email.
  2. Simply go to and enter your complete student email.

After logging in, using the same password used for Schoology, you will then be able to link your student email to your primary email by following these steps:

  1. Click the settings button at the top right (the symbol that looks like a gear)
  2. Scroll all the way down and click mail under Your apps settings
  3. On the left, under accounts click forwarding
  4. Enter your preferred email address then click save

If at any point you would like to reverse this, simply follow the same steps and click stop forwarding, then save.

Taking a few minutes to link emails allows some convenience in the chaos. With primary email and student email linked together, students can have one less thing to juggle and one less thing to stress about. See you all at the next campus event!