If you get a text informing you that your student loans have been forgiven, or that you qualify to have you student loans forgiven, do not respond.
MCC has been informed that students may be getting a text message informing them that their student loans have been forgiven and they should call a number that was provided in the text, which had a 682 area code.
The text message is not from MCC, the U.S. Department of Education or any other reputable source.
The phone number associated with the text has been linked online to several reports of similar scams targeting students, and other people who do not even have student loans.
The U.S. Department of Education urges you to never give personal information over the phone or internet unless you made the contact. If you have questions about an offer of aid or about your student loan account, ask your college or contact the Federal Student Aid Information Center.
MCC also recommends you check the status of your student loan with the National Student Loan Data System.
For more information on avoiding student loan and scholarship scams you can check out this page from the U.S. Department of Education.