Month: March 2017


BHC Campus Student Activities Council Helps Improve Campus Life

Another successful event put on by Student Activities Council (SAC) with assistance from radiologic technology (Skeleton Crew) this round! This event was an outdoor movie night in the grass behind the 200 building located at the amphitheater. The movie “Moana” started at 6:30 PM and ran for 1 hour and 53 minutes. Movie nights are for students, staff, and the community.  Parents are always welcom...
Posted on in Leadership, Student Success.

LHC Campus Welcome Back Fiesta!

FIESTA! These large, bright red words greeted me as I walked towards the 600 building on the Lake Havasu campus. It was a Thursday afternoon, roughly an hour before the next round of classes began. Students were trickling into the open doors as red balloons and posters waved out in the courtyard. Upon my entrance, I was met with the smiling face of Student Activities Council President and Phi...
Posted on in Student Life.

Productive Studying and Organizational Tips

As mid-terms are approaching, I've been finding myself scrambling to find the best way to organize my notes into a coherent studying platform and stay on top of my assignments. In my journey to ultimate college organization, I have run across several incredibly useful websites that I would like to share with you all.Green square with elephant image in it EVERNOTE is a cross-platform application that d...
Posted on in Uncategorized.